Archive for 2014

LIFTING NEWS: So as I continue on the Rippetoe routine, I kind of hit a sticking point with my squats above 240. I could go higher, but it didn’t feel good. I realized that the problem was that I wasn’t very stable — the cushiony running shoes that I usually wear to the gym start feeling kinda squishy when you’ve got significantly more than your bodyweight on your back. I’ve thought of buying actual weightlifting shoes with the plywood inserts in the soles, but I can’t find them in a store anywhere (I wear a 14EEE), and I don’t like to buy shoes online.

So while we were in DC, I went to the Nike store and told the salesguy my problem and he recommended that I try these shoes. They’re not really lifting shoes, but they’ve got flat soles, minimal cushioning, and although they don’t have a strap on the outside, they’ve got some sort of internal strap that tightens around the arch of your foot when you lace them.

On trying these with heavier weight at the gym, it felt much better right away, and I successfully added 10 pounds to my lift. I felt like I could have added more, but decided discretion was the better part of valor. Anyway, if you’re feeling unstable on squats, you might try different shoes.

Oh, BTW, I also use this belt.


According to Ukrainian intelligence, the separatist commander in eastern Ukraine heard in an intercepted phone call saying that his men “shot down a plane” on Thursday was Igor Bezler.

The picture of Mr. Bezler used in the Ukrainian YouTube video on Thursday is a still image taken from a clip uploaded in April, when he was recorded during the rebel takeover of the town of Horlivka where he identified himself to police officers there as “a lieutenant colonel in the Russian Army.”

It’s Potemkin separatists all the way down.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY: Let Me Google That For You, Matt Yglesias. It was a bad day for Vox on several fronts. Jeff Bezos’ investment sense is looking better and better. . . .

A BLOG ABOUT DOGS: The Puparazzo.


OH, GOODY: First chikungunya cases acquired in the U.S. reported. “The two cases are the first instances in the U.S. in which the virus was not contracted during Caribbean travel, according to the Florida Department of Health.”

THE RISE AND FALL of the Tiki Bar. Fall?

CHANGE: What’s Happening in One of the Most Progressive Cities in the U.S. Seemingly Undercuts Key Anti-Gun Argument. “The city of Detroit has seen 37 percent fewer robberies in 2014, compared to the same period in 2013. Further, there have been 22 percent fewer break-ins of businesses and homes, and 30 percent fewer carjackings. Detroit Police Chief James Craig says the dramatic drop in these crimes is partly due to more residents arming themselves and fighting back against criminals.”