Archive for 2014

CRAFT BEER BOOMS AMID SHRINKING OVERALL BEER MARKET. “Craft beer makers have experienced huge jumps in market share while the overall beer market size has shrunk. The Census Bureau announced yesterday that the number of breweries in the in the U.S. doubled in five years–an increase largely due to craft beer. On average over the past two years, 1.2 craft breweries opened each day, contributing to a total of 15.6 million barrels of beer last year. While that’s only 7.8% of the U.S. beer market share, according to data Brewers Association, an American craft beer trade group, craft beer is taking an ever-increasing chunk out of noncraft beer companies’ sales. The number of liters of beer purchased per year has stayed the same and is expected to shrink slightly, according to data from research firm Euromonitor. Meanwhile the population has risen. That means people on average are consuming less beer and, if they’re consuming beer, it’s more and more likely to be craft.”

THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED: K.C. Johnson: New Data Refutes ‘Rape Culture’ Activists. “The gap between these figures and an emergency that requires decimating due process protections for accused students is so wide that it’s hard to ignore. Yet another reason to doubt the good faith of the Task Force effort.”

You don’t want to be a science-denier, do you?

MEGAN MCARDLE: Inequality Isn’t A Union Issue.

I tend to think that these arguments get cause and effect backward. Unions were strong in the 1960s and 1970s for the same reasons that inequality was low — and while the law may have been one of those reasons, it was at best a minor reason.

To see what I mean, look at the United Automobile Workers union, which is a pale shadow of its former self. Its workers have made huge concessions, and its numbers have dwindled to the point where the union, like many of the mighty industrial unions of the past, has more retirees than workers.

Is that because the law won’t let them strike? Obviously not; the problem is that striking wouldn’t do them any good, because the companies they work for are too fragile to give them more money. A more labor-friendly National Labor Relations Board couldn’t magically generate the profits and market share necessary to pay hundreds of thousands of workers above-market wages, as General Motors Co. did in the 1960s.

The modern industrial worker’s main problems, which have nothing to do with the law, are:


Yeah, pretty much.

MICKEY KAUS HAS 4 Questions For Politico. “In each of these questions, you seem to be carrying water for someone.”

A WHOLE LOTTA WHITE PEOPLE watching soccer at the White House. I’m not exaggerating when I say that you see more black folks at a Tea Party meeting or a men’s rights conference.