Archive for 2014

SARAH PIMPS WRITING FRIENDS: My friend Amanda Green had this book and its sequels under her bed for twenty years.  I finally convinced her to publish it.  Reminiscent of David Weber.  Vengeance From Ashes. (Under a pen name because under her own name Amanda writes Shape Shifters and such.)

THIS IS WHAT I ALWAYS THOUGHT: Inequality isn’t a problem: it’s a driver of progress. After all, places in which everyone is equally poor are hardly earthly paradises, or fountains of innovation.  I grow tired of the latest media/left manufactured crisis.

NORTH KOREA issues a “human rights report” about the United States. America, it says, is “a living hell as elementary rights to existence are ruthlessly violated.” New York City is reportedly stricken with famine. Pyongyang also issued a “report” about South Korea, which it says has the worst human rights record in the entire world, in part because “60% of university students cannot afford their school fees so must work.”

GOOGLE GLASS NIGHT OUT: “Glass Night Out or meetup events are being held this evening in eight cities: Boston; Los Angeles; Madison, Milwaukee; New York; Orlando, Palo Alto and Washington, DC,” says the London Daily Mail, which notes that “As Google Glass becomes more widely available, the company has decided to host a number of events across the country to try and reassure people that are wary about the device.”

Good luck with that. And speaking of which, I wonder if Matt Labash of the Weekly Standard will be in attendance?

100 ICONIC PHOTOS that define the 21st century so far.

WEEKEND FICTION REVIEW: Politico Says Media Is Rough on Hillary.

To be fair, they were in 2008 at times, including MSNBC employing plenty of eliminationist rhetoric, when the MSM was pushing her to hand the Democratic nomination to Obama.

And as Glenn noted earlier today when Tina Brown suggested yesterday that Hillary retire from retail politics all together, “The real message is to the Democrats: You’d better have a Hillary alternative ready!”

CATCH-44: George Will looks at the next challenge to Obamacare:

If the president wants to witness a refutation of his assertion that the survival of the Affordable Care Act is assured, come Thursday he should stroll the 13 blocks from his office to the nation’s second-most important court, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. There he can hear an argument involving yet another constitutional provision that evidently has escaped his notice. It is the origination clause, which says: “All bills for raising reveornue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills.”

The ACA passed the Senate on a party-line vote, and without a Democratic vote to spare, after a series of unsavory transactions that purchased the assent of several shrewdly extortionate Democrats. What will be argued on Thursday is that what was voted on — the ACA — was indisputably a revenue measure and unquestionably did not originate in the House, which later passed the ACA on another party-line vote.

“Two years ago, the Supreme Court saved the ACA by declaring its penalty to be a tax,” Will adds. “It thereby doomed the ACA as an unconstitutional violation of the origination clause.”

Read the whole thing.™

QUOTE OF THE DAY “The beard has turned into the padded bra of masculinity. Sure it looks sexy, but whatcha got under there? There’s a whole generation running around looking like lumberjacks, and most of you can’t change a f**king tire.”

WHERE WAS BARRY? Visitor Logs: Obama Had “Debate Prep” Meeting on September 11, 2012, the Day of the Benghazi Attack.

UPDATE: Actually, several updates from Patterico at the above link, including:

A reader has just confirmed that a user can save a data set and give it any name they wish — meaning that the “3 meet with Potus” language may have been generated by a user and cannot be considered authoritative. The data is accurate: Obama’s debate prep guy Ron Klain and two other debate prep people visited to conduct “debate prep.” But it can’t be ruled out that the “debate prep” was for Biden.

We still don’t know where Obama was after that. All we know is: he was not in the Situation Room.

Read the whole thing,


One bitter American official told [Nahum Barnea, a prominent columnist from Israel’s best-selling daily Yedioth Aharonoth] “I guess we need another intifada to create the circumstances that would allow progress.”

The country’s in the very best of hands, to coin an Insta-phrase.