Archive for 2014

RAND PAUL’S REVENGE: Now That The Senate Is Done Investigating Torture, Will Drone Killings Be Next?

President Obama’s targeted killing program has been one of the more confounding strategical decisions of his presidency. For liberal supporters who voted to elect a constitutional-law professor in 2008 and a candidate who had campaigned against harsh interrogation practices like waterboarding, it would have been hard to imagine that just years later they’d see a president who keeps a “kill list” of suspected terrorists. . . .

“I was not satisfied with the legal analysis that I read in the classified document by the Department of Justice,” says Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, who is on the Intelligence Committee. “To me, when an American is involved, it raises very different questions then when we are striking a foreign terrorist.” Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who had worked with al-Qaida, was killed in a 2011 drone strike under legal authority the administration derived from the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force.

Details about how drones are used to kill terrorists remain unknown, a fact leaders on Capitol Hill harbor concerns about. Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., who is in line to be the next Senate Foreign Relations chairman, said it’s an area ripe for oversight.

President Obama says he’s really good at killing people.

NEW DEMANDS ON MEN IN THE WORKPLACE: “Women have no idea what men in the workplace are dealing with when they work with women. And men, despite what the author thinks, are not there to babysit women by telling them to ask for raises, brushing away tears and ‘twisting’ women’s arms to ask for her own promotion.”

Is it any wonder so many men are on strike?


HAPPY 12/13/14!

“AFFIRMATIVE CONSENT” GETS TRAGIC: “An Iowa state lawmaker says he loved visiting his wife at a nursing home before her death at age 79. But prosecutors have filed felony charges against him, saying that her Alzheimer’s made her unable to consent to his sexual desires.” Note the phrasing. Now imagine the genders reversed.

Much more detailed thoughts from Eugene Volokh.

HE SOUNDS LIKE A PUTZ, BUT UNLESS MIT KNOWS SOMETHING I DON’T (AND THEY MIGHT) THIS SEEMS KINDA STALINIST: Prof: MIT Hospitalized Me For Ferguson Tweets. “A tenured professor of literature at MIT is claiming that the school institutionalized him for ranting about academia’s response to Ferguson on Twitter.”

YEAH, THAT’S PRETTY MUCH MY TAKE: Forget Hydrogen Cars, and Buy a Hybrid. If we had, say, orbital solar plants providing the power to electrolyze water then a hydrogen fuel economy might make sense. But if you’re making your hydrogen using fossil fuels. . . .

I drove a hydrogen fuel car for Popular Mechanics a while back. Here’s my review.