Archive for 2014


The law’s supporters are dismayed, and no wonder. There’s currently a circuit split on the issue, but the court that ruled against the administration agreed to review it en banc — that is, with a full panel of judges, rather than the smaller three-judge panel that originally heard the case. That court is now packed full of liberal judges, thanks to outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s decision in November 2013 to nuke the filibuster for presidential appointees. The administration was hoping that the en banc ruling would resolve the circuit split, and the Supreme Court would simply decline to take the case. The Supreme Court has decided not to wait.

Meanwhile, by granting cert, the Court is signaling that at least four judges are probably prepared to rule against the government. Now, maybe they’ll change their minds later. But I doubt it.

I’m not going to prognosticate about how they will rule, and I will point and laugh at any journalist who tries to punditsplain to the Supreme Court that they can’t, or conversely, that they must, a class of article that you might categorize as “predictive exhortation.” The actual forecast value of these sorts of articles is pretty low; it’s at best reminiscent of high school student government meetings. The Supreme Court’s gonna do what the Supreme Court’s gonna do, and they’re probably not much interested in my expert legal analysis.

It is safe to say, however, that the government is going into this round with a significantly weaker hand than it had even a few months ago. The law remains unpopular, and no, I don’t want to hear your explanation about how actually it’s really popular if you look at the polls right. The past election created unified control of Congress, which means there’s a reasonable chance of repealing or fixing the law in the face of an adverse ruling — though not easily, and only over the screaming protests of President Obama and the Democrats, who will be outraged at what Republicans will demand. Also, since the initial Halbig ruling, evidence has emerged that at least one pro-Obamacare reporter, Jonathan Cohn of the New Republic, believed during the negotiations that the subsidies would only be available on state exchanges. The argument that no one reasonable can ever possibly have ever thought that this was the case has basically collapsed, though that won’t necessarily stop the administration from making this argument anyway.

Well, no. Neither facts nor self-respect will stop them from making any argument they deem expedient.

THEN: “Pussy Pass” is a sexist term that degrades women.

NOW: “Pussy Pass” Is Feminist Doctrine. “A feminist professor claims that America should stop putting all women in jail. For anything.”

But remember, the dictionary says feminism is about equality.

STRATEGERY: Here’s How Conservatives Aim to Stop Obama’s Action on Illegal Immigrants.

Aides to conservative members of the U.S. Senate say their bosses are rallying around a strategy to prevent President Obama from taking executive action to move illegal immigrants toward citizenship: Use government funding bills to withhold the money the president needs to implement his plan.

At the same time, some of the Senate’s most conservative members are worried that party leadership could try to strike a deal with Democrats in the lame duck session on a longer-term spending agreement that could limit lawmakers’ ability to defund whatever Obama decides to do.

In a series of interviews with The Daily Signal, conservative Senate staffers said their lawmakers firmly oppose Obama’s acting on his own to allow millions of illegal immigrants to stay in the country. However, they are open to supporting a piecemeal approach on immigration policy that would emphasize border security first.

The problem for Republican leaders in Congress is that their base doesn’t trust them on this issue much more than it trusts Obama.

JUST A FEW OF COMMUNISM’S MANY VICTIMS: The sad stories of those killed trying to cross the Berlin Wall. Communism was — and is, still — sold as something moral. But it’s a system of slavery, benefiting a few at the top at the expense of the many beneath. It was enforced by death and cruelty, because without death and cruelty it couldn’t work even for a little while. The people who say nice things about communism today either know this and are lying, or are profoundly stupid. Either way, you need neither listen to them, nor afford them even the smallest degree of respect.

AN ATTITUDINAL SEA CHANGE: Don Surber: Global warming issue going the way of gun control.

Politics like any other aspect of life has its fads. Remember the Beatles haircuts? Gun control fell out of fashion. Socialists celebrated the Sandy Hook shootings only to discover that Americans wanted better enforcement of existing gun control, and better mental health treatment.

This year, global warming/climate change has fallen out of fashion. It’s so 20th century.

Related, in a quote from James Delingpole: “If you had to pick one person who embodied everything that is most irritating and wrong about the Obama administration — the Solyndra-style crony capitalism, the war on free markets, small business and cheap energy, the hypocrisy, the injustice, the dogged pursuit of suicidal leftist causes — then liberal billionaire Tom Steyer is your man.”

AFRICA: Morocco insists on delaying African Cup over Ebola. “Morocco is sticking to its demand to postpone the African Cup of Nations football tournament due to the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa, despite pressure from the Confederation of African Football. A statement from the Ministry of Sports late Saturday said that because of the ‘spread of the deadly Ebola pandemic,’ Morocco was maintaining its call for delaying the tournament it is scheduled to host from Jan. 17-Feb. 8, to the following year.” Obviously racist.

TEACH WOMEN NOT TO RAPE! (CONT’D): Accused rapist charged with prostitution. “After she was charged, police learned Abrams was wanted on an arrest warrant for third-degree rape stemming from an incident that occurred in 2013 in the town of Richmond.”

I HAVE TO SAY, I COMPLETELY AGREE: Movies Are “Too Loud.” As a former sound engineer, I find the too-loud and overhyped sound mixes for most movies painful.

YEAH, I DON’T FEEL THAT SORRY FOR HIM: Meager Returns for the Democrats’ Biggest Donor. “In the last days before the midterm elections, Tom Steyer, the billionaire environmentalist who spent at least $57 million of his own money to influence Tuesday’s outcome — more than any other single donor — set off on a frenetic get-out-the-vote tour to Colorado, Iowa and finally New Hampshire. There, he told business owners in Portsmouth that climate change is an economic issue, thanked college students in Durham for knocking on doors, and gave a pep talk to canvassers in Dover before they fanned out to collect voter data on their smartphones. After all that, Mr. Steyer appears to have largely wasted his time and money.”

This also kind of undercuts the whole big-money-controls-our-politics narrative.