Archive for 2014

JONI MITCHELL: ANOTHER LAME, MISERABLE LEFTIST. “While living luxuriously between two homes, she’s adamantly negative on America and the industry that made her so successful.” To be fair, she say she hates all of humanity, too. Because of that scene in Bambi.



People who avoid carbohydrates and eat more fat, even saturated fat, lose more body fat and have fewer cardiovascular risks than people who follow the low-fat diet that health authorities have favored for decades, a major new study shows.

The findings are unlikely to be the final salvo in what has been a long and often contentious debate about what foods are best to eat for weight loss and overall health. The notion that dietary fat is harmful, particularly saturated fat, arose decades ago from comparisons of disease rates among large national populations.

But more recent clinical studies in which individuals and their diets were assessed over time have produced a more complex picture. Some have provided strong evidence that people can sharply reduce their heart disease risk by eating fewer carbohydrates and more dietary fat, with the exception of trans fats. The new findings suggest that this strategy more effectively reduces body fat and also lowers overall weight.

The new study was financed by the National Institutes of Health and published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Gary Taubes wins again, as in this much more limited InstaPundit study.

IN THE FUTURE, EVERYONE WILL BE A RAPIST FOR FIFTEEN MINUTES: Washington Post Columnist: ‘Weight Is the New Rape.’

Plus: “The mainstream press has also repeatedly mocked Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s weight, and there is no indication that future comments about Christie’s weight will be held to the same standard as those about Gillibrand’s.” You can’t talk about women the way you talk about men! Because equality.

10 WEIRD AND WONDERFUL ELECTRIC VEHICLES. The bike seemed pretty cool, until I saw the price tag.

CLAYTON CRAMER: My “Stroke” of Good Luck. “I’m still in the hospital recovering after a month but it could have been much worse.”

ARE YOU STRONGER THAN A SECOND-GRADER? The Benefits of Strength Training For Kids. I saw a woman at the gym recently training her boy — who looked to be 10 or 11 — in weights. I told ’em I wish I’d started that young.

IF YOU CAN’T SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT A DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT, DON’T SAY ANYTHING AT ALL: “This past weekend, the American Political Science Association (ASPA) held its annual meeting in Washington, DC. It was a huge affair, involving 53 ‘divisions’ and 60 ‘related groups,’ and featuring more than one thousand separate panels. Here is the kicker: this year, there were no sessions at all devoted to an assessment of the foreign policy of Barack Obama, and not one panel was dedicated to an examination of Obama’s domestic policy. . . . The fact that there was nothing on the program of this year’s APSA pertaining to the Obama administration is a sign that there is nothing good to say on the subject, nothing to celebrate, and nothing to take pride in. Left with no recourse, the academy turns silent. It was eerie. It was as if there has been no Obama presidency. If I am right in my analysis, the complete absence of panels assessing Obama’s record is an indication that the academy now regards Obama as an indefensible embarrassment.”

CHANGE: Jeff Bezos Replaces WaPo Publisher With Politico Co-Founder. “Weymouth’s departure is the end of an era of Graham family involvement with the Post. Her great-grandfather bought the newspaper in the 1930s, and her uncle Donald Graham sold it to Bezos last August for $250 million. She’ll be replaced by Frederick J. Ryan, the founding CEO of Politico and a former Reagan administration official.”

UPDATE: Good luck to Ryan and Bezos. And tear down that paywall.

BRIT JOURNALISTS GUESS CELEBRITY VOICEMAIL PASSWORDS — HUGE INTERNATIONAL SCANDAL! Police Spy On Journalists’ Phone Records: Business As Usual. It’s illegal, but I bet we don’t see any top folks go on trial, as in the “phone hacking” scandal. But then, that was a chance to go after Rupert Murdoch. This is just the usual self-interested behavior of people in power.

K-12 IMPLOSION UPDATE: In Maryland, a Soviet-Style Punishment for a Novelist.

A 23-year-old teacher at a Cambridge, Md. middle school has been placed on leave and—in the words of a local news report—”taken in for an emergency medical evaluation” for publishing, under a pseudonym, a novel about a school shooting. The novelist, Patrick McLaw, an eighth-grade language-arts teacher at the Mace’s Lane Middle School, was placed on leave by the Dorchester County Board of Education, and is being investigated by the Dorchester County Sheriff’s Office, according to news reports from Maryland’s Eastern Shore. The novel, by the way, is set 900 years in the future. . . .

Imagine that—a novelist who didn’t store bombs and guns at the school at which he taught. How improbable! Especially considering that he uses an “alias,” which is apparently the law-enforcement term for “nom de plume.” (Here is the Amazon page for The Insurrectionist, by the way. Please note that the book was published in 2011, before McLaw was hired.)

According to an equally credulous and breathless report in the Star-Democrat, which is published in Easton, Md., the combined efforts of multiple law-enforcement agencies have made area children safe from fiction. Sheriff Phillips told the newspaper that, in addition to a K-9 sweep of the school (!), investigators also raided McLaw’s home. “The residence of the teacher in Wicomico County was searched by personnel,” Phillips said, with no weapons found. “A further check of Maryland State Police databases also proved to be negative as to any weapons registered to him. McLaw was suspended by the Dorchester County Board of Education pending an investigation and is no longer in the area. He is currently at a location known to law enforcement and does not currently have the ability to travel anywhere.”

These are the people you trust to educate your children, and keep your streets safe — and they’re complete, blithering idiots armed with the power of the state. Tar and feathers isn’t enough.

And, really, isn’t it parental malpractice to put your kids in the hands of people who can’t tell truth from fiction?


The scale and brutality of the abuse in Rotherham have shocked a country already shaken by a series of child abuse scandals involving celebrities, public officials, clerics and teachers at expensive private schools. The Rotherham report suggests that it continues unchecked among the most vulnerable in British society.

It has highlighted another uncomfortable dimension of the issue, that of race relations in Britain. The victims identified in the report were all white, while the perpetrators were mostly of Pakistani heritage, many of them working in nighttime industries like taxi driving and takeout restaurants. The same was true in recent prosecutions in Oxford, in southern England, and the northern towns of Oldham and Rochdale, where nine men of Pakistani, Bangladeshi and Afghan origin were given long prison sentences in 2012 for abusing up to 47 girls. Investigators in Scotland have reportedly uncovered a similar pattern of abuse.

That’s more forthright than I expected, though there’s some backing-and-filling later.

UPDATE: As Cameron Gray notes, the Times is quick to tell us that the majority of convicted abusers in Britain are white — but misses the irony that these abusers weren’t even arrested. Because racism.