Archive for 2013


Via Molly Lewis. Entire Wade Johnston Christmas Extravaganza here.

“SMART DIPLOMACY” UPDATE: America’s Deteriorating Relationship With Egypt. “Sources familiar with the matter say that Robert Ford — the highly-respected, Arabic-speaking career diplomat and current ambassador to Syria — was withdrawn from consideration for the Cairo post after some representatives of Egypt’s military regime quietly indicated that they didn’t want him in the job because of his stated willingness to negotiate with some of Syria’s Islamist militants and political groups.”

WHITE CHRISTMAS, by Bing Crosby.

POLITICO: Obama’s Albatross: Transparency.

Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama might have been reaping kudos for ushering in a new era of transparency in government.

Instead, he’s under fire for his administration’s secrecy.

That’s because he has a lot to hide.

THE ROAD TO WISDOM LEADS THROUGH the palace of excess. That’s true, actually, but it can be a perilous path for many.

SO WE’VE GOT THAT GOING FOR US, ANYWAY: Human Penises Are Gigantic Compared With Other Primates. “Flaccid, the penis of the gorilla and the orangutan, both with much bigger bodies, is virtually invisible; erect, it reaches 1.5 inches or less; the chimpanzee, man’s closest relative (sharing 98 percent of his DNA) achieves an erection twice that of the other two apes but still only one-half the average human one. Why, comparatively, man’s penis is so disproportionately large is a question that engages a clutch of disciplines including archaeology, anthropology, and zoology, as well as the evolutionary, psychological, and sociological branches of biology. Collectively they remain at a loss.” Like big antlers, it’s to attract chicks.