Archive for 2013

DEAL NO DEAL: Iran: White House Lying About Details of Nuke Deal. “This may prove to be yet another worrisome sign that the Obama Administration was played by the Iranians.” Ridiculous. We have Smart DiplomacyTM.

LARA LOGAN AND PRODUCER PUNISHED FOR ERRORS IN BENGHAZI STORY: “I’m not saying ’60 Minutes’ did a good job, but I’m skeptical of CBS’s motives here. What will it take to get the full story on Benghazi? Less suppression. More information. Why aren’t other reporters delving into this?” Because the message has been sent, and received.

This is about making sure people think twice — heck, ten times — before running an expose that makes Hillary look bad. Examples must be made, and if Lara Logan was in the wrong place at the wrong time, well, too bad. You can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, and the pro-woman omelet that is a Hillary presidency demands a few sacrifices. Most of whom, as has been the pattern all along, will be women . . . .

Plus, from the comments: “Do we know yet where Obama was on the night of 9/11/12?” Nope.

SPENGLER: The Dead’s Envy For The Living.

Many commentators, most eloquently Bret Stephens at the Wall Street Journal, draw a parallel between the appeasement of Hitler at Munich in 1938 and the appeasement of Iran at Geneva. There is another, more chilling parallel: Iran’s motive for proposing to annihilate the Jewish State is the same as Hitler’s, and the world’s indifference to the prospect of another Holocaust is no different today than it was in 1938. It is the dead’s envy for the living.

Dying civilizations are the most dangerous, and Iran is dying. Its total fertility rate probably stands at just 1.6 children per female, the same level as Western Europe, a catastrophic decline from 7 children per female in the early 1980s. Iran’s present youth bulge will turn into an elderly dependent problem worse than Europe’s in the next generation and the country will collapse. That is why war is likely, if not entirely inevitable.

Read the whole thing. Including this: “Obama’s commitment to rapprochement with Iran arises from deep personal identification with the supposed victims of imperialism. That is incongruous, to be sure. Persia spent most of his history as one of the nastier imperial powers, and its present rulers are no less ambitious in their pursuit of a pocket empire in the Shi’ite world. The roots of his policy transcend rationality. Israel can present all the evidence in the world of Iran’s plans to build nuclear weapons and delivery systems, and the Iranians can cut the Geneva accord into confetti. Obama will remain unmoved. His heart, like his late mother’s, beats for the putatively oppressed peoples of the so-called Third World.”

WE AIM TO PLEASE: Reader Jim Duffy writes: “I just wanted to sent a shout out your way for leading me to ‘The Frackers.’ I’m about halfway through and it’s really a wonderful and enlightening read, especially for someone like me who really didn’t know squat about the oil and gas industries going in. Never would have picked it up without your recommendation–thanks!”

It’s a great book. I think it’s odd that such an American success story seems to have gotten more coverage at places like NPR than in, say, talk radio or Fox.

IN RESPONSE TO THE OBAMA HEALTHCARE TALKING POINTS FOR THANKSGIVING, Ace Of Spades offers an alternative set. Sample: “Hey remember when you said that Obamacare was going to work great, and then, when people asked you how it actually worked, you sort of implied they were stupid for not knowing, and yet you never provided any evidence that you had any idea of how it was supposed to work yourself? Yeah, you were wrong to do that.”

Still, it makes sense people would talk about ObamaCare at Thanksgiving — it’s the biggest legislative turkey of the century!

POLICE MILITARIZATION STILL A PROBLEM: Spoils of war: Police getting leftover Iraq trucks. “It’s armored. It’s heavy. It’s intimidating. And it’s free.” Also: “Sheriff Apple rejected the idea that the nation’s police forces are becoming too militaristic. ‘Nothing could be further from the truth,’ he said.”

FUN TOY: So I got a home-pistol-training setup from Laserlyte. The way it works is that there’s a Laser target that lights up where it’s hit by the beam from the LaserLyte pistol trainer, which can fit in the barrel of either a real pistol, or a bright blue training gun. The laser beam is controlled by a sound switch that responds to the sound of dry-firing. I bought the training gun because (1) I don’t like dry-firing my guns; and (2) I treat all guns as loaded all the time, and there’s nowhere in my house I’d be prepared to fire live ammo.

It works quite well. The training gun feels and points very much like the real thing, the target lights up satisfactorily when hit, and you can set it up pretty much anywhere. Helen — who I have to pester to practice shooting enough — also liked it and thought she’d practice more with it, which is nice. Not as good as having a 25-yard range in your basement, but not bad.

Alas, I also tried the Laserlyte plinking cans, which I had to order from their website because they’re not on Amazon yet. These, unfortunately, were a bust. The idea is that when the laser beam its the target, a plunger pops out from the bottom, making the can go flying. It seems like a great idea, and I suppose it is, but mine just don’t work. When I installed the batteries, each can emitted a steady clicking and the plunger kept popping out. The manual, such as it is, said that a low battery condition might cause this, so installed new batteries. That problem went away, all right, but the cans were completely non-responsive to the laser. I can’t figure out what else could be causing that, so I guess I’ll return these. Maybe I’ll try again in a few months.

Here’s what the setup looks like:


DAVID STEINBERG: Rigging The Future: Obamacare Creates 50 New State Databases With No Function Beyond Gathering Potential Voter Information, Real or Fraudulent. “These new databases mail out voter registration forms automatically. You cannot refuse them. No worthwhile verification occurs before the forms are mailed. Apply for Medicaid and the form will be mailed to you, be you a verifiable citizen or Ayman al-Zawahiri on a computer in Pakistan. Further, these new databases are accessible by groups like Organizing For America, the reconstituted ACORN, and malevolent figures like Chris Tarango. And no reasonable purpose exists for creating the databases besides making them available to the aforementioned Democratic activists.”

WAIT, PEOPLE HAVE TO BE TOLD THIS NOW? Please Do Not Hug the Sharks. “So what is driving this new surge involving ordinary folks riding sharks? My best guess is either alcohol or an unfounded sense that sharks are one step away from being pets.”

Think of it as evolution in action. I see sharks regularly when I dive, and they’re generally a lot less interested in people than vice versa. (Maybe it’s the wetsuits: Don’t eat this fish, it tastes like rubber.) But grabbing onto them is stupid. Also kinda rude. They’ve got their own sharky business to attend to.