Archive for 2013

ROGER SIMON: What If It’s All True? “Around Obama there is an unprecedented silence, almost a media omertà. So much remains unknown about this man, although we do know, through the debate surrounding David Maraniss’s failed and tentative biography, that the president lied about his personal history on multiple occasions in his autobiography Dreams from My Father.”

I THINK ANN ALTHOUSE HAS WRITTEN ABOUT THIS: How Our Ancestors Used To Sleep Twice A Night. “We used to sleep in two shorter periods, over a longer range of night. This range was about 12 hours long, and began with a sleep of three to four hours, wakefulness of two to three hours, then sleep again until morning.”

UPDATE: Ah, Althouse’s posts are here and here.

HOPEY-CHANGEY: U.S. Healthcare, Now With Smaller Networks Than Ever.

The article goes on to list every insurance company that offers plans in the Washington exchange as well as the hospitals that are in-network for those companies. Pivoting off of that list, Steve Roth points out that two of Washington’s biggest insurers—Primera and Lifewise—don’t have any of the state’s four top specialty hospitals in their networks. If you want the best cancer, trauma, ER, or pediatric care, and your plan is with one of the two biggest carriers in your state, you’re out of luck. Figuring out which insurers cover which providers, and determining from there which provider makes the most sense for you, is a hugely complex and time intensive process, as Roth details in his piece. And even when you’ve done all the research, at the end of the road is the fact that networks keep getting smaller.

This is a trend that the ACA is encouraging, and the acceleration of it is likely to be the next big PR challenge for the Obama administration. More and more we’re seeing that the ACA is doing nothing to reverse the worst trends driving our health care crisis— and that in some cases it’s even intensifying them. Hospitals are getting bigger, prices are going up, the system is getting even more complicated, and networks are getting smaller. Meanwhile, politicians continue to debate reforms that largely fail to address any of these problems.

Layer after layer of debacle. It’s like peeling an onion of fail.

MEGAN MCARDLE: How Not To Measure Sexual Harassment. “The first thing to note is that the survey questions do not seem very well designed. They’re somewhat vague, and multiple offenses are lumped together.” That’s by design, to produce a sensational-sounding result.

SHARDS: A New Essay from Bill Whittle. And consider clicking “Become A Member” at the top of the page. Bill deserves the support.