Archive for 2013

AND YET THEY DON’T VOTE THEIR CLASS INTERESTS: Bankers Explain How They Cannot Possibly Live On $1 Million Pay. “According to the bankers and ex-bankers in this article, there are only two marital choices available to bankers: The frumpy, educated girl they’ve been saddled with since college, or a physically attractive layabout who sucks their soul and bank account dry.”

POLITICO: Organizing For America Flops On First Campaign. “Hey, they’re still sending out lots of e-mails, though … and rather creepy ones, too. I received one last night from ‘’ that said they’ve been checking up on me, and discovered that I haven’t signed their anti-gun petition yet.”

IN THE MAIL: From Vox Day, The Last Witchking, now on Kindle.

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: Hello, She Lied. “In a better world, the horrible travails of the Duke lacrosse team would have led colleges and universities across the country to do more to protect young men from having their reputations destroyed and their lives ruined by false accusations of sexual misconduct. But if anything, young men have been losing procedural safeguards and the presumption of innocence since then as poorly designed programs aimed to deter unwanted sexual advances and contacts on campus spiral towards the surreal.”


Stephanie Stewart, an honors student at the Borough of Manhattan Community College on an academic scholarship, was due to deliver her son before the end of the spring semester in 2012. She needed some accommodations because she would not be able to attend every session of her women’s studies class. Stewart figured her professor would be understanding—it was a women’s studies class. But she wasn’t. The professor told Stewart that she wouldn’t be able to make up any tests or assignments she missed due to doctor’s appointments or labor and delivery. “When I received a backlash from her and no support from her, I was extremely stunned. I felt disrespected,” Stewart says. . . .

Though the outcome is a good one for Stewart, the NWLC has seen more and more complaints like hers, says Lara Kaufmann, NWLC’s senior counsel and director of education policy for at-risk students. They started seeing an uptick in complaints when a popular blogger called the Feminist Breeder wrote about her own experience with pregnancy discrimination.

I dunno, if she’d said she had to miss class for an abortion it might have been okay.

HAPPY WORLD PRESS FREEDOM DAY. Meanwhile, filmmaker Nakoula is still in jail.

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” US Policy in Syria: Dither Until It’s Too Late. Given that nobody in this civil war is anyone we like — or who particularly likes us — dithering while they kill each other may not be such a bad strategy. But it’s an informative contrast to the humanitarian proclamations that accompanied the Libya intervention, and which would seem — if the Obama Administration actually believed them — to impel a similar intervention here.

Related: From Bad To Worse In Egypt. “The failing Egyptian revolution can’t restore order, can’t secure food, can’t get the economy to run. If things keep on in this direction, the Egyptian people will accept almost any dictatorship, however ugly and however corrupt, that can keep the peace. In the meantime, there’s probably not as much gratitude toward the US as the White House once expected. Egyptians reflecting that they are now significantly less safe and less secure than they used to be probably aren’t happy with the US for helping to grease the skids under the Mubarak government.”

JAMES TARANTO: Hate Crime Hoaxes: Why are they so common, especially on campus? “Oppression of minorities, and certainly of women, scarcely exists in America in the 21st century. Genuine hate crimes happen, but they are very rare. Few societies in history have offered more security to the previously downtrodden. But the presence of security only makes the need for identity and stimulation more pressing. Hate-crime hoaxes are an extreme way of meeting those needs.”