Archive for 2013

YOU SHOULD BE COMPENSATED FOR YOUR TIME IN CASES LIKE THIS: My maddening scramble to beat a New Jersey Turnpike ticket mistakenly issued.

In the mail last week, I got a $50 ticket from the New Jersey Turnpike Authority for not paying a $1.50 toll the night of June 22 in Cape May.

This was a big surprise to me, because I’ve never been to Cape May, and I was in Lancaster that night.

And yet, from out of the blue, another state presumed me guilty of stealing, and threatened to come after me and damage my credit rating if I didn’t pay its $50 bill. It was my burden to prove I was innocent.

The vanity plate on my back-up vehicle, a 1994 Jeep I seldom drive, says “PLAIN.” New Jersey sent me a tiny, grainy picture of a toll-jumper’s plate that appears to read “PLATN.”

Good grief.

JUST LAST YEAR, FLORIDA WENT FOR OBAMA. Now, apparently, it’s a cesspit of racism. “A number of House Democrats are lining up behind the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s threat for an economic boycott of Florida following the not-guilty verdict in the death of Trayvon Martin.”

Alternatively, the Congressional Black Caucus is trying too hard to remain relevant.

HOWARD ZINN: Why Mitch Daniels Was Right.

Zinn was a communist and it colored his work entirely. That’s like being a Nazi. There’s nothing admirable there.

DOES OBAMA KNOW ABOUT THIS? L.A. Times: ‘Bash mobs’ sweep through Southern California. “On Monday, a group of unruly young people broke off from hundreds gathered for a Trayvon Martin prayer vigil and rushed into a Wal-Mart on Crenshaw Boulevard, where they tossed merchandise and tried to break into a jewelry display case.” Because I know he’d be very disappointed.

Related: If only the Czar knew!

OUCH: Arianna Huffington for the smackdown.

Obama’s sad drug war record here.

STUDYING FOR THE BAR? Pass the sunscreen.

I didn’t go to Thailand, but the summer that I took the bar I did all my studying by the pool. I was set to clerk afterward at the Sixth Circuit with a friend from law school who was black, and my goal was to be darker than her when I started. I succeeded — and that was the last really serious tan I had. Subsequent summers in law practice weren’t congenial to tanning; I couldn’t do all that work beside the pool . . . .

SNAPSHOTS OF EARTH, taken from Saturn. “The Saturn photo op runs from 5:27 to 5:42 p.m. ET on Friday. That’s the time period when the light reflected by a toothy smile and a waving hand can make the 898.5 million-mile (1.446 billion-kilometer) journey from Earth to Saturnian orbit, in time to be captured by Cassini’s camera 80.4 minutes later.”

21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Are Dads The New Moms? “There were 2.6 million households led by a single father in 2011, a ninefold increase from 1960 when that number was fewer than 300,000. This means that men now lead about a quarter of all single-parent families.”

