Archive for 2013
December 30, 2013
MICHAEL BARONE: Overdue reforms boost Mexico — and the United States.
CAVE DIVING IS DANGEROUS AT THE BEST OF TIMES: Florida dad, teen son found dead in scuba diving accident testing out Christmas gifts.
HISTORY in the megaton range.
STEPHEN GREEN, CALL YOUR OFFICE: 3-D printed livers offer glimpse into the future of biomedical research.
AT AMAZON, Year-End Deals Galore. Browse ’em while they last.
MY USA TODAY COLUMN: Zero-Tolerance Stupidity At Schools.
IN CALIFORNIA, falling behind the Romans on sanitation.
MARK RIPPETOE: One of the Most Underrated Strength Exercises You Can Do.
ARE LAW LIBRARIES DOOMED? “The problem isn’t just about money. It’s also about demand. Legal historians are ‘still attached to traditional law libraries,’ he writes, but most faculty now are doing most of their legal research electronically. Mr. Milles says the decline of the law library would be steeper were it not for the incentives created by U.S. News & World Report’s law-school rankings, which rewards schools with higher expenditures per student.”
READER BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Gonzalo Lira recommends R.K. Jaeger’s Live Through This.
THEY LIED TO GET HIM ELECTED, NOW THEY’RE LYING TO COVER UP THEIR LIE: Pants On Fire: PolitiFact Tries To Hide That It Rated ‘True’ in 2008 Obamacare’s ‘Keep Your Health Plan’ Promise. You’ll see more of these rowbacks as the ObamaCare train wreck unfolds.
IT’S COME TO THIS: Howard Dean admits some Americans ‘get screwed’ by Obamacare.
IF ERIC HOLDER WANTS YOU TO BE: Are You Breaking the Law By Borrowing an HBO Go Login?
TED CRUZ: No, I’m not sorry for trying to stop the ObamaCare train wreck. I’ll bet that by now, Obama wishes Ted had succeeded, too. . . .
HERITAGE: Time to Stock Up on Incandescent Bulbs Before They Go Out Permanently.
If you do so, please buy them via my link.
IN THE MAIL: From Wim de Vriend, Odd Customers.
TAXPROF: The IRS Scandal, Day 235.
WHY THE PRESS CAN’T PUT A HAPPY SPIN ON OBAMACARE: “You can only cherry-pick where there are some cherries.”
I DON’T KNOW ABOUT THIS. My female colleagues (well, some of them) feel free to compliment my appearance — or critique — at the drop of a hat, and in ways that would probably be seen as sexual harassment if reversed. Also straighten my collar, etc. Perhaps I appeal to their maternal instincts.
BLOOMBERG: Turkey Needs Erdogan’s ’Master Period’ to End. It’s pointless to talk about “strengthening the country’s still-fragile civic foundations.” The point of Islamist rule in Turkey has been to eliminate those, as civil society places limits on what those in power can do.