Archive for 2013

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED FOR MITT ROMNEY, THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WOULD LOOK LIKE MAD MEN. AND THEY WERE RIGHT! Fashion Advice At The Defense Intelligence Agency: ‘Makeup Makes You More Attractive.’

A week after women were cleared to serve in combat, Defense Intelligence Agency employees got a different message. “Makeup makes you more attractive.” “Don’t be a plain Jane.” “A sweater with a skirt is better than a sweater with slacks.” “No flats.” “Paint your nails.” “Don’t be afraid of color.” And, “brunettes have more leeway with vibrant colors than blondes or redheads.”

Can we replace Susan Rice with Christina Hendricks?

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Something rotten at UNC. “To expose the fake classes, surely these athletic department officials sent an email to the chairman of the Faculty Committee on Athletics? Or wrote a memo to the chancellor? No such paper trail exists. Because there’s little evidence a serious warning was sounded.”

WHY WE TOOK COCAINE out of soda.

NICK GILLESPIE ON BOY SCOUTS AND GAYS. Wait, Nick Gillespie is an Eagle Scout?

JIM TREACHER ON FACEBOOK: “The same people who claimed Mitt Romney was waging a ‘War on Women’ are doing everything they can to avoid talking about Bob Menendez.”

GLAD TO HELP: Reader Cassandra Stajduhar writes: “Downloaded Brandy Engler’s book, The Men On My Couch from Amazon via a link on instapundit. It was an interesting read–she seems like a smart cookie. Thanks for the link.” Amy Alkon is a big fan of hers.

ATF UPDATE: Jones pick as ATF chief is in deeper trouble. “Earlier this week, Donald Oswald, a former Minneapolis FBI director and self-described Democrat, wrote to alert the Senate Judiciary Committee to Jones’ ‘atrocious professional reputation within the federal law enforcement community.’ . . . The newest flashpoint involves operation ‘Fearless Distributing,’ a Milwaukee sting operation in which the ATF set up a phony storefront targeting gun traffickers. A recent Milwaukee Journal Sentinel investigation found what it called a string of mistakes, including a military-style machine gun that ended up on the streets, and a robbery of the agency store that netted $35,000 in merchandise.”

This agency doesn’t seem to be ready for primetime.

I’M QUOTED IN THIS BOSTON GLOBE PIECE ON PROSECUTORS AND JURIES. “What we really have is a plea bargain system with a thin froth of showy trials floating on top.”

The reporter on this story, Leon Neyfakh, has brought together a lot of really interesting observations and proposals from a lot of people, some of which overlap with my Due Process When Everything Is A Crime piece and most of which go well beyond it.

INVESTOR’S BUSINESS DAILY: Obama’s Jobless Recovery Continues Unabated. “So the economy created 157,000 new payroll jobs in January. Wow. At this rate, we might actually get back down to Bush-era unemployment rates sometime, oh, within the next 100 years.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Underperforming Investments Squeeze Higher-Ed. “American colleges may be going broke faster than we thought. According to a recent New York Times report, investment returns on university endowments fell by 0.3 percent last year. This could be the beginning of a major funding crisis at many universities. . . . Given that, as one person quoted in the piece said, the average rate of return over the past ten years has been about 6.2 percent, this poses a major problem for schools already facing steep declines in philanthropic giving, alumni donations and government funding. Ordinarily, schools would raise tuition, but students and parents are beginning to balk at higher fees and annual tuition hikes. There’s no way out: Schools should be looking for ways to cut costs. Fortunately, there’s plenty of low-hanging fruit.”