Archive for 2013


READER BOOK PLUG: Reader Signe Kopps asks that I plug her novel, Anthra’s Moon. Done! It’s $1.99 on Kindle.

A NEW ARREST IN THE Mississippi ricin case. Not an Elvis impersonator this time, though. And after one bogus arrest, I’m somewhat skeptical this time. . . .


HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Diagnosing Dr. Biden: The second lady exemplifies a bloated class of people with irrelevant, unimpressive titles.

Doctor Biden has joined Twitter as @DrBiden. The account is “run by Dr. Jill Biden’s Office,” and it tells us absorbing things about Dr. Biden — things such as “Yesterday, Dr. Biden hosted an education roundtable” and “Yesterday, Dr. Biden honored the nation’s top teachers.” It retweets praise, too: “Thank you Dr. Biden for your work as an educator and as a voice for all educators in our nation,” reads one tribute. If a tweet is signed “Jill,” the doctoral bio informs us, this indicates that it is a “tweet from Dr. Biden.” “Jill,” if you’re wondering, is Dr. Biden’s nickname. Her formal name is “Dr.”

Wherever she goes and whatever she does, Dr. Biden is always referred to as “Dr. Biden.” “Is Joe Biden married to a physician?” wondered the Los Angeles Times in January. “You might have gotten that impression while watching television coverage of the inauguration.” Yes, you might have indeed.

Dr. Biden isn’t a physician, of course. She has a doctorate – in “educational leadership,” whatever the hell that is. This Ed.D gives her the right to call herself “Dr.” in much the same way as my Master’s degree gives me the right to put MA after my name. Perhaps my Twitter handle should be @MA(Oxon)Charles?

It works: I was actually under the impression that she was a physician before I read this. A doctorate is a doctorate, I suppose, but the question of whether there should be doctorates in “Educational Leadership” seems open to me.

UPDATE: Reader Thomas Williams writes: “Remember how the wife of the previous Vice President was always called ‘Dr Lynne Cheney?’ No? Me either.” Good point. And she’s got an actual Ph.D.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Jeff Mitchell writes: “My wife earned a PhD in Ed Research last year. I’ve never heard her refer to herself as Dr. Mitchell, but she did give a passing thought to changing our stationery letterhead to Dr and Mr Mitchell… What is it about the credentialed elite?”

But it’s not because Jill Biden is black. Or German.

And reader James Rummel emails:

Just read your post about how Dr. Biden is obsessively insistent when it comes to people using her title. It reminded me of something an academic once said that stuck with me.

They claimed that the more worthless the degree, the more harping they would do to make sure people said “doctor” before their name. It seems that people who earn doctorates in race/gender/class studies are more vocal, reacting with angry gusto and claiming a lack of respect, than anyone with a more down-to-Earth degree.

You work in the Ivory Tower. If it wouldn’t step on any toes or bruise any egos to the point where your own career path is damaged, I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Does your own observations of the educator class support this conclusion?

That sounds right, but I have to say I don’t really have the firsthand experience to support it. First, although the law degree is a Juris Doctor, law professors don’t go by “Doctor,” preferring “Professor.” I’m not sure if this a leftover from when law degrees were bachelor’s degrees, or if it’s part of the old physician/attorney rivalry. And most academics, when among other academics, don’t use the title “Doctor” either. So while it sounds plausible, I can’t really say.

But if someone does that and it annoys you, just go all Sheldon Cooper on their degrees.

POLITICO: Obama’s Hubris Problem. “Hubris in a leader is an obnoxious thing, leading to imperiousness in governing. And it’s also a dangerous thing for a second-term president, often spelling trouble. Unfortunately, this president’s acts of high handedness and self-absorption have been accumulating in the past several months at a blistering pace.”

OVERLAWYERED IS MOVING TO CATO. Congratulations to them, and I’m also pleased that Professor Bainbridge remembers the early-blogosphere phrase “takes the Boeing.” Background on that phrase here, and here.

MICKEY KAUS: Facebook Founder Buys Beltway Fakery. “Is Zuckerberg anti-Obama? Almost certainly not. He hosted a town hall with the President, for example. The ad is pure Beltway bad faith, a triple bank shot disingenuously attacking Obama in order to boost Graham to give him room to support Obama’s immigration amnesty project (which would financially benefit Zuckerberg’s firm by allowing him to import more inexpensive tech workers). Yecch.”

CATS AND DOGS, LIVING TOGETHER: Jimmy Carter Lauds George W. Bush As Peacemaker. “That’s what we newspapermen call a man-bites-dog story. . . . As for Barack Obama, he was fittingly if uncharacteristically gracious.”

COMPASSIONATE GOVERNMENT: Reader David Craig emails:

My wife suffers from chronic pain as a result of a serious back injury, and while surgery helped, she still requires daily narcotic pain medication to manage her pain. Because of prescription drug abuse, the states and DEA have been changing regulations almost monthly for narcotic medications. In the past we could fill her prescriptions at midnight of the day written on the prescription, but now they can only be filled during “business hours,” you know, cause pain apparently only happens 8-5 Monday through Friday. This morning a new paperwork regulation required the pharmacist to spend more than 30 minutes filling one prescription for my wife. The pharmacist was as frustrated as my wife and her doctor, and the pharmacist told me it’s only going to get worse with more regulations.

My wife is not the criminal. Colorado and the DEA are forcing her to live in pain as they restrict her legal access to pain relief. No one should have to watch the person they love suffer in unimaginable pain just because of bureaucratic hurdles put in place to slow illegal drug use.

I had to get that off my chest, and you were the only outlet that I had.

Yeah, all these hurdles mostly affect honest people. Junkies and dealers know how to get around them.