Archive for 2013

THE PRIVILEGED AGENDA OF HARRY REID: Harry Reid Will Urge Senate To Tackle Immigration Reform, Gun Control. “On Tuesday, Reid will formally outline his agenda with a series of ‘privileged’ measures he expects to take up over the next two years, according to Democratic aides. To be sure, the list of bills isn’t an outline of what Reid thinks can actually become law: for instance, the House Republican majority has indicated reform to gun laws could not win approval. Rather, the list is more a declaration of those issues the Senate’s Democratic majority values most highly.”

DO PLUMMETING LAW SCHOOL ENROLLMENTS portend massive faculty layoffs? Depends on how far they plummet. But the decline has certainly been dramatic over the past few years.

GOOD NEWS: As of today, Barack Obama’s presidency is half over. If that’s not enough to cheer you up, try heading over to the Insta-Wife’s new site, Helen’s Page, where you can commiserate or whatever with others who feel the same way.

Helen’s Page is “A place for liberty-minded people to come together. Whether you’re looking to share an interesting new story, or to hire someone to proofread your novel, you can do it here. Just sign up and start posting.”

IN LIGHT OF THE COUNTRY’S ECONOMIC SITUATION, shouldn’t President Obama have made today’s “bare bones” ceremony the only inauguration ceremony?

EVERYBODY’S A COMPLAINER: ‘Feminist Americans’ Are ‘Disappointed … and Feel Let Down’ by Michelle Obama.

Last year, after Obama and Ann Romney submitted recipes for a cookie contest, Hirshman told The Washington Post that Obama’s “first mom, gardener thing” is “silly.”Now, Hirshman says, “I’ve kind of lost interest in Michelle Obama. She was trapped by assumptions about race and had limited room to maneuver. Whether that was a welcome choice or she had no choice, I will never know. It’s very difficult to envision her as running for senator from the state of Illinois as you did with Hillary Clinton running for senator from the state of New York.”

“Are fashion and body-toning tips all we can expect from one of the most highly educated First Ladies in history?” asked author Leslie Morgan Steiner in an online column last January. She said she’d “read enough bland dogma on home-grown vegetables and aerobic exercise to last me several lifetimes.”

I agree. I’d like to hear more about strength-training.

THE BLOOM IS OFF THE ROSE: Dana Milbank: Less an inauguration than a tepid rerun. “Four years ago, hundreds of thousands of people flooded the capital, sleeping on floors and lining the streets so that they could be part of history: the inauguration of the first black president, who had the promise of being a transformational figure that could bring hope and change to a broken political system. That messiah never came.”

Bill Quick comments: “Because that messiah never existed.”

TAR. FEATHERS. Courageous Pennsylvania School Officials Nab 5-Year Old Terrorist.

Just yesterday, I mocked Maryland officials for suspending two little boys for the horrific crime of playing cops and robbers (and noted that this is not the first time such stupidity has been displayed by Maryland school officials).

Preferred Weapon of al Qaeda

Apparently, the pencil-neck bureaucrats in Pennsylvania are jealous that their neighbors are getting a lot of attention, so they’ve branded a five-year old girl as a terrorist threat for talking about her pink toy gun that shoots bubbles.

Yes, bubbles.

As I keep saying, it’s looking more and more like it’s parental malpractice to put your kids in the hands of public schools. Which will just bring on the K-12 Implosion.

BILL CLINTON TO DEMOCRATS: Don’t “Trivialize” The Bitter Clingers.

Clinton said that passing the 1994 federal assault weapons ban “devastated” more than a dozen Democratic lawmakers in the 1994 midterms — and cost then-Speaker of the House Tom Foley (D-Wash.) his job and his seat in Congress.

“I’ve had many sleepless nights in the many years since,” Clinton said. One reason? “I never had any sessions with the House members who were vulnerable,” he explained — saying that he had assumed they already knew how to explain their vote for the ban to their constituents. . . .

He said that he understands the culture that permeates a state like Arkansas — where guns are a longstanding part of local culture.

“A lot of these people … all they’ve got is their hunting and their fishing,” he told the Democratic financiers. “Or they’re living in a place where they don’t have much police presence. Or they’ve been listening to this stuff for so long that they believe it all.”

Clinton closed his remarks with a warning to big Democratic donors that ultimately many Democratic lawmakers will be defeated if they choose to stand with the president.

“Do not be self-congratulatory about how brave you for being for this” gun control push, he said. “The only brave people are the people who are going to lose their jobs if they vote with you.”

The voice of experience. Though he has some violent rhetoric about the NRA. What is it with these people and their desire to shoot civil rights activists?

BILL WHITTLE SAYS HAVE FAITH. And don’t succumb to the efforts to demoralize you. The untapped reservoirs are deep and wide.