Archive for 2013

CBS NEWS: Official: We knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack “from the get-go.”

But the Administration still blamed filmmaker Nakoula, who is still in jail. They did this to keep the Benghazi debacle from exploding before the election. It worked. And filmmaker Nakoula is still in jail.

Related: Dem Rep. Stephen Lynch on Benghazi Talking Points: ‘It Was Scrubbed … It Was False Information. There’s No Excuse For That.’

UPDATE: Benghazi Plot Thickens.

IN THE MAIL: Edited and created by Eric Flint, Ring of Fire III.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: College Administrators’ Priorities Not Always The Students.

How much do top college administrators care about their students? The results of a recent Gallup survey of college presidents are pretty revealing. While most college presidents acknowledge that tuition cost and academic preparedness are some of the biggest hindrances to student success, few want to try MOOCs—the method many hope might alleviate both problems.

Only eight percent of college presidents “strongly agreed” that the cost of higher education is affordable. And nearly 68 percent think that the biggest barrier for high school students is being academically unprepared for higher education. But only three percent “strongly agree” that MOOCs will improve the learning of all students, and only eight percent “strongly agree” that they will cut what students spend on higher education.

Perhaps this makes sense, given the following stats. Only 65 percent of college presidents think it is “very important” that graduates of their institution get a job; only 58 percent think it is “very important” that students graduate from their institution; and only 39 percent think the price of their institution’s degree is “very important” to the quality of the institution.

Their priorities are their priorities.

SOMETHING FOR THE PUBLIC HEALTH PEOPLE TO WORK ON THAT’S MORE SALIENT THAN GUNS AND BIG GULPS: San Francisco Threatened By Typhoid Fever. “Antibiotics are used to treat typhoid, which may last up to two weeks even with treatment. If left untreated, up to 20 percent of patients may die and the illness may last for months. It is important to finish the course of treatment because patients remain contagious after symptoms disappear. There is a typhoid vaccine available for travelers to regions where the illness is common.”

THIS IS CNN: Video: CNN panel names Romney a religious fanatic for promoting … children.

So is Bill Murray a religious fanatic?

UPDATE: I don’t think he is, but apparently that twitter account isn’t actually Bill Murray. Oh, well.

Meanwhile, on the CNN part, reader Kent Budge writes:

I was puzzling over why the Left MSM (if you’ll forgive the redundancy) keeps piling on Romney, who after all lost the election and is very unlikely to run for office again.

Then it hit me: They have to do something to try to reassure all the folks feeling severe buyer’s remorse that they were not, after all, mind-boggling stupid to vote for Obama over Romney.

That’s going to be an increasingly difficult sell. . . .