Archive for 2013

WHEN LUDDITES KILL: The Deadly Opposition to Genetically Modified Food: Vitamin A deficiency has killed 8 million kids in the last 12 years. Help is finally on the way.

Finally, after a 12-year delay caused by opponents of genetically modified foods, so-called “golden rice” with vitamin A will be grown in the Philippines. Over those 12 years, about 8 million children worldwide died from vitamin A deficiency. Are anti-GM advocates not partly responsible?

Golden rice is the most prominent example in the global controversy over GM foods, which pits a technology with some risks but incredible potential against the resistance of feel-good campaigning. Three billion people depend on rice as their staple food, with 10 percent at risk for vitamin A deficiency, which, according to the World Health Organization, causes 250,000 to 500,000 children to go blind each year. Of these, half die within a year. A study from the British medical journal the Lancet estimates that, in total, vitamin A deficiency kills 668,000 children under the age of 5 each year.

Yet, despite the cost in human lives, anti-GM campaigners—from Greenpeace to Naomi Klein—have derided efforts to use golden rice to avoid vitamin A deficiency.

For all the claims of “murder” thrown at the NRA over its policy arguments, the usual suspects are much quieter on this subject, where the connection between policy-advocacy and dead children is much clearer.

SPACE: Golden Spike Co. begins a crowdfunding campaign for its lunar launch. “Boulder-based Golden Spike Co., a privately funded enterprise aiming to send people to the moon by 2020, is going where few aerospace companies have dared to go — to the masses for money through an online crowdfunding campaign. The goal is to raise $240,000 — or a dollar for each mile from Earth to the moon. The campaign is one of several funding sources that Golden Spike is pursuing but is meant to fulfill purposes beyond money.”

READER BOOK PLUG: From Paul David Bauer, Saint Ed.

IN THE MAIL: From Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey, The Ship Who Searched.

HAYMARKET REVISITED: More lefty-agitprop-as-history turns out to be wrong. “Specifically, Messer-Kruse’s research questions whether the initial protests were peaceful, documents links between the protesters and violent anarchist networks, and — perhaps most importantly — shows that they were not railroaded by the state. Late 19th century justice would not pass muster under today’s standards, but — given the standard of the time — the Haymarket protesters received a fair trial. Prosecutors presented extensive evidence against them during the six-week trial, including forensic evidence that the allegedly peaceful anarchists were, in fact, responsible for the initial bombing. . . . Yet old myths die hard. As Messer-Kruse recounted in the Chronicle of Higher Education, it took some time before Wikipedia editors would allow revisions to the Haymarket Affair page, even though Messer-Kruse was citing original source documents.”

NOTHING TO SEE HERE, MOVE ALONG: Gas Prices Soar 51 Cents in Just Two Months.

This isn’t news, the way it would be if Dubya were still in office. If it must be covered, then the storyline should be how higher gas prices are good, because they encourage conservation.

HAGEL: No Excuse To Lift The Filibuster. “There is no graceful exit from the White House because President Obama doesn’t give a darn whether Hagel is an incompetent fool. He’s not backing down. He’s going to stick it to the pro-Israel community and to Israel. He’s going to stick it to the Republicans. There is no other way to read his determination to go forward with such a flawed nominee.”