Archive for 2013

ROB PORTMAN: Uncovering the full truth about IRS abuse of power. “Big scandals start off as small stories. The controversy engulfing the Internal Revenue Service seems to grow bigger every day. What began as what the Obama administration said was a handful of ‘rogue agents’ in a local Cincinnati office has turned into a scandal that runs all the way to the highest levels of the IRS and maybe beyond. The question every American should be asking is this: Just how far does this story go, and when is President Barack Obama going to do something about it?”

BYRON YORK COMPARES THE RODEO CLOWN OUTRAGE with the abuse and violent language aimed at George W. Bush by members of the establishment. Yeah, but he’s a rodeo clown. The common folk should know their place. I wonder if he’ll have to go into hiding, like George Zimmerman or Nakoula Nakoula, to escape the mob-frenzy whipped up by the President’s political apparat.

But here’s the truth: All this outrage is really an admission that Obama is weak, and can’t withstand the kind of criticism routinely directed at other presidents, from Nixon to Clinton to Bush. President Asterisk, indeed.

UPDATE: Flashback: Liberals Were Silent When George Bush Dummies Were Used at Rodeos. Bush survived, but he wasn’t a media creation who would collapse like a rodeo dummy if subjected to criticism or mockery.