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Archive for 2013
June 26, 2013
HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): It Isn’t That Millennials Hate Cars. They Just Can’t Afford Them.
NEWS YOU CAN USE: The Authors Of The Limits To Growth Report Were Wrong About Almost Everything.
Personally, I’ll be more impressed if we’re ever warned of a pending doom whose aversion won’t require giving a lot of power to bureaucrats, technocrats, and other hangers-on while being left poorer and more constrained ourselves. Because no matter what the crisis being propounded, the remedy always seems to be the same . . . .
BRIANNA EHLEY: Scandal-Ridden IRS Puts Wine, Porn on Taxpayers’ Tab.
LYME DISEASE: The Lyme-disease infection rate is growing. So is the battle over how to treat it. “Today, deer are no longer exotic in the Hudson Valley, and the area has the highest rate of Lyme disease in the country. If you drive the back roads of Columbia County at dusk, deer are nearly impossible to avoid, and accidents are common. Ticks are constantly on residents’ minds, and watching children run barefoot to the edge of the bucolic woods is no longer a carefree delight. Deer are not Ixodes’s most important host, but they have come to symbolize the spread of Lyme, and represent an ecology that has changed dramatically in the past thirty-five years.”
Hunt ’em until they’re rare again. Venison is tasty! And as for the white-footed mice — cats? Or maybe bring back DDT . . . .
PATTERN OR PRACTICE: Second IRS Employee Pleads The Fifth At Oversight Hearing.
HOW MUCH DAMAGE HAS PRISM done to US tech giants? “The fallout from the Prism leak continues. As people digest what the leaks mean, ripples are going out into the business community. Firms were moving towards free, American, reliable cloud-based services; now things are screeching to a halt, as they think ‘do we want the NSA having access to this?'”
IRS UPDATE: National Taxpayer Advocate Releases Reports to Congress, Calls for $1,000 ‘Apology Payments’ to Taxpayers Abused by the IRS. Take the money out of the travel and conference budget. . . .
HEH: Supreme Court declares DOMA unconstitutional; Hardest hit: Bill Clinton. Hey, didn’t Chuck Schumer vote for DOMA?
TWEET OF THE DAY: After the fashion of @instapundit, we must now make all efforts to assure that gay couples can exercise their Second Amendment rights.
We really are proceeding toward my ideal political world, aren’t we?
PHOTOS OF BULLETS sliced in half.
JIM TREACHER: You know who was “Ready for Hillary”? Ambassador Christopher Stevens.
As Bill says, you may be ready for Hillary, but that doesn’t mean that Hillary is ready for you. . . .
HIGHER EDUCATION: An “Unhealthy Relationship with Student Debt.”
IN THE MAIL: From Robert A. Heinlein, The Star Beast.
MARC RICH, THE FUGITIVE FINANCIER WHO RECEIVED A LAST-MINUTE PARDON FROM BILL CLINTON (WITH HELP FROM ERIC HOLDER), has died. “Marc Rich’s connections to the rich and powerful not only made him fabulously wealthy but when he was indicted for fraud, racketeering and tax evasion on a grand scale, they helped secure him a pardon from Bill Clinton, hours before the U.S. president left office. . . . Last-minute presidential pardons are not uncommon in the United States, but this one raised a furor. Critics believed the case showed that justice means one thing for ordinary people and another for powerful insiders.” Good thing we don’t have that problem now.
UNEXPECTEDLY! GDP Growth Revised Downward. A Wall Street reader emails:
The “unexpected” downward revision to first quarter GDP confirms what everyone expected going into this year: The tax increases would hurt consumers. Funny how that “reality” didn’t show through the government data until as long after the fact as possible.
An undiscussed consequence of this suspicious pattern is that markets will decreasingly trust government data, potentially increasing volatility and decreasing stability. Note I believe these are undiscussed, not necessarily unintended, consequences.
It’s sad to see this degree of irresponsibility.
MORE PROBLEMS FOR THE SCANDAL-PLAGUED IRS: House Report: IRS Deputy IT Director Steered $500 Million in Contracts to Pal.
NICK GILLESPIE: Snowden And The New Cold War. “The Snowden saga started off redolent of Girl With Dragon Tattoo (computer hacking, manifesto-style sloganeering about justice, rights, and corrupt goverments, and a half-naked dancer girlfriend). But it’s now driving deep into Graham Greene territory as the world’s most famous high-school dropout is reportedly seeking refuge in a left-leaning. . . banana republic run by a Hate-America-First autocrat. Call it Our Man in Quito: Cold War Redux.” With Obama seeming both overbearing and inept, it provides a lot of countries with a safe and enjoyable opportunity to stick a thumb in America’s eye. Also, I don’t think Ecuador is on the Caribbean.
DAN MITCHELL: The French National Sport Is Taxation, not Soccer.
PER SCOTUSBLOG, Clinton-Era “Defense Of Marriage Act” struck down 5-4.
UPDATE: Here is the opinion.
ANOTHER UPDATE: Based on a quick read, this seems like the key sentence: “What the State of New York treats as alike the federal law deems unlike by a law designed to injure the same class the State seeks to protect.”
STILL MORE: Prop. 8 case goes on standing grounds, as expected. Ann Althouse has more.
Much more at Legal Insurrection and the Volokh Conspiracy.
FINALLY: Jonah Goldberg has the last word: Missing the big story on SCOTUS gay marriage ruling? Court delivers huge win to pro-SSM Koch brothers! #heh. Heh, indeed.
Plus, today only: up to 60% off on select men’s shirts.
STEPHEN L. CARTER: The Supreme Court Matters Less Than You Think.