Archive for 2012

MICKEY KAUS SUBJECTS PAUL KRUGMAN to an old-style Fisking. It’s a beatdown of epic proportions.

The brutal conclusion: “Krugman knows all this, of course. He just writes as if we don’t.”

BLEG: Just a reminder: InstaPundit is an Amazon affiliate. When you do your Christmas/Hanukkah shopping — or any other shopping — through the Amazon links on this page, including the “Shop Amazon” tab at the top or the searchbox in the right sidebar, you support the blog at no cost to yourself. It’s much appreciated!

RON BAILEY: Blue Science And Red Science. “After analyzing both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms, it’s evident that science is secondary to politics. Politicians of both parties manage to find science that conveniently supports the policies they already favor.”

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Obama Legitimizes Morsi’s Protection Racket. “It is astonishing that American officials and the world media have hailed Morsi simply because he first sicced his dog on his neighbor, and then called the dog off.”

J.P. FREIRE: The “Hollywood Holocaust” and Other Cold War Myths. Leaving aside the obscenity of comparing out-of-work screenwriters with gassed Auschwitz inmates, there’s this: Communists are no better than Nazis. Refusing to hire Communists is on the same moral plane as refusing to hire Nazis. Which is to say: It’s a good and admirable thing, not a sin. Go broke and starve, commies. It’s what you deserve for being eager, willing servants of totalitarianism.

FROM THE TIME CAPSULE: The 2008 fantasy. “Obama has shown a real commitment to open government.”

THIS DOESN’T SOUND GOOD: Czech anti-chemical warfare troops are in Jordan. “Defense Secretary Leon Panetta recently told the White House that any military effort to secure Syria’s chemical weapons would take tens of thousands of troops.” Didn’t Saddam ship a bunch of his stuff to Syria at the last minute?

Just to be safe I’m laying in some crucial supplies.