Archive for 2012

I MENTIONED PINZGAUERS BELOW, and here’s a sighting.

RACHEL METZ: My So-Called Quantified Life. “After tracking my walking, biking, drinking, and stress levels for weeks, I’ve learned I’m more a creature of habit than I thought.”

IN THE MAIL: From Frank Wheeler Jr., The Wowzer.


MICKEY KAUS: “What are the odds that the ‘Lucy’ interviewed by NPR as a Latino woman-on-the street disaffected because Romney hasn’t endorsed the DREAM Act isn’t the same ‘Lucy’ who disrupted Romney’s speech? . . . The NPR reporter gives no indication that ‘Lucy’ is a protester as opposed to a random woman encountered on the sidewalk outside the speech.”

APPOINTMENTS: Macfarlane is not qualified to be Chairman of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. “Dr. Macfarlane is a college professor, an author and an activist. Nothing I have read about Dr. Macfarlane indicates that she has ever managed anyone, but the President has nominated her to be the executive decision maker for a federal agency with a budget of nearly $1 billion, a staff of more than 4,000 highly trained professionals and regulatory authority over an industry with a current annual output that is worth more than $100 billion. The Nuclear Regulatory Agency does not just regulate nuclear power plants; it is also responsible for regulating uranium and thorium mining, a substantial portion of nuclear medicine, and use of radioactive sources in a wide variety of industries.” Well, to be fair, the President was a professor (well, lecturer), author and activist, and he’s managing a much larger enterprise.

IT WAS “BOTCHED” LIKE FAST AND FURIOUS WAS “BOTCHED:” Report rips DOJ attorneys in botched Stevens’ case. “Two Department of Justice prosecutors have been suspended without pay and a Senate Democrat has scheduled a committee hearing following the release Thursday of a DOJ report that detailed the government’s misconduct in its botched case against former Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska).”