Archive for 2012

REPORT: Academic Fraud at UNC. “The 10-page report said the findings are a blow to the university’s academic integrity. The findings were so serious that the university consulted with the district attorney and the SBI about investigating forgery allegations, as some professors said their signatures were forged in documents certifying that they had taught some of the classes in question. Professors also said they had not authorized grade changes for students that the department submitted to the registrar’s office.”

CORKER SLAMS OBAMA: “As he appeals to college students, his Administration is robbing those same young people of their American inheritance, spending their money on my generation and engaging in nothing short of generational theft.”

FROM ROGER KIMBALL: More on Bow Tie’n White Boys. “I find it more pathetic than irritating. Why is it that Democrats are cruising around accusing everyone in sight of being racist when it is they, not the objects of their ire, who engage in the racist behavior? Harry Stein, in his new book No Matter What . . . They’ll Call this Book Racist has some intelligent things to say about that.”

UPDATE: Reader Tony Methvin writes:

A strongly documented point of Jonah Goldberg’s previous masterpiece- Liberal Fascism – is how Progressives have been the driving force behind eugenics, Jim Crow segregation, and racial Affirmative Action. Classical Liberals, later called Conservatives have been the force behind the color-blind & race/class-neutral paradigm. It explains why Liberal & Progressives from Margaret Sanger & H G Wells to Woodrow Wilson have been behind the eugenics, on-demand abortion, and RE-segregation of US Armed Forces (something that ended as a result of Republican President Abe Lincoln and Reconstruction).

I cannot endorse strongly enough the heavily documented Liberal Fascism. Professor you may want to link to the Amazon site.

Good point. And done!

WELL, GOOD: Republican Congressman Opens Inquiry Into DEA’s Inhumane Detention of College Student Daniel Chong.

Representative Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) sent a letter to DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart asking the agency to comply with an inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the detention of 23-year-old Daniel Chong. The UC San Diego engineering student was arrested during a drug raid, interrogated for four hours, then locked in a holding cell and left there for five days without food, water, or access to a toilet.

During those five days, Chong was forced to drink his own urine. Fearing that he would die in the cell, he broke the lens of his glasses and attempted to carve a message to his mother on his arm using a shard. Chong then tried to commit suicide by swallowing the broken pieces of his eye glasses. He was discovered unconscious and covered in feces, and admitted to a San Diego hospital suffering from dehydration, kidney failure, and a punctured esophagus.

Much more at the link.

ANN ALTHOUSE: The NYT accuses American voters of opposing Obama because he’s black. “This is a scurrilous article! Where’s the evidence? It’s just creepy, New York aversion to the fly-over people.”

Well, I say if you voted for Obama in 2008 to show you weren’t racist, vote against him in 2012 to show you’re not stupid.

JOHN HINDERAKER: Occupy Violence: It’s Different, Somehow. “You can read the linked post for a full account of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s tortured explanations of why it just isn’t interested in the Occupiers, no matter how many crimes and terrorist acts they may commit.”

The SPLC is a bunch of partisan hacks. First, last, and always.

DO TELL: Washington Post: The EPA Is Earning A Reputation For Abuse:

The most reasonable interpretation is also among the most disturbing — that Mr. Armendariz preferred to exact harsh punishments on an arbitrary number of firms to scare others into cooperating. This sort of talk isn’t merely unjust and threatening to investors in energy projects. It hurts the EPA. Mr. Armendariz was right to resign this week, while EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson denied that his comments reflected the agency’s approach. Yet the question will remain: Is an aggressive attitude like the one Mr. Armendariz described common among EPA officials?

Perhaps we can “crucify” some errant employees as an example to the others. That seems the preferred approach there.


Kashmir may be the most dangerous place in the world. It is the only place where two nuclear powers have an active boundary dispute, and terrorism and political violence are also in the mix.

Things may be about to get much, much worse.

Kashmir is a Muslim-majority province which ended up in India back when Pakistan and India parted ways. Many Kashmiris want that to change; some would like to become independent, some want to join Pakistan. Some would like to remain in India with more local control.

Fortunately, the form of Islam most widely followed in Kashmir is Sufism; sufis are often mystical in spirituality, open to other faiths in spirit, and moderate in politics. But that could be changing. Salafi Islam is spreading in Kashmir, supported by Saudi money and, in some cases, Pakistani influence.

Maybe we should have let Saddam invade after all . . . .

LEARNING ABOUT OBAMA: “I also think it’s interesting to compare and contrast Obama with Romney at approximately the same age. They were almost opposites. Obama was still searching for a father and an identity; Romney had an unusually strong dose of both. Obama was drifting; Romney was a family man who already was married with children and focused on his future (Romney married at 22 and became a father at 23). Obama smoked and drank, and more; Romney was a teetotaler and non-smoker. And yet they both were the products of similar educations: private prep schools and Harvard Law (and in Romney’s case, Harvard Business as well).”

I don’t know if we’d be better off, or worse off, if Obama had gone to business school . . . .

WELL, AS I SAID BEFORE, THE WHOLE BLOOD-QUANTUM THING IS A WHITE MAN’S CRITERION: “For the Cherokee Nation, Warren is ‘Indian enough;’ she has the same blood quantum as Cherokee Nation Chief Bill John Baker.” And as I also said before, the interesting part isn’t that she checked the Native American box; it’s that she unchecked it once it wouldn’t do her any more good. And that’s not a fake controversy.

Related: “They are proud of their diversity, they are committed to increasing and improving their diversity, but they aren’t quite proud enough to tip us off as to who it is that is delivering that diversity and the uniquely informed perspectives it provides.”

RACIST HATE SPEECH ON FOX NEWS: ‘Bow Tie’N White Boy’: Democrat Strategist Hurls Racial Slur at Tucker Carlson. So much for all the racial healing the Obama Presidency was supposed to bring. . . . “NBC will not have to creatively edit it to make it sound racist. Her comment, reversed in any way, would have created an instant firestorm on the left. Media Matters would have republished its entire dossier on Carlson, and may in fact do that in an effort to defend Jehmu Greene. As of this writing, Greene has not apologized for her comment.”

Video at the link.

UPDATE: Jim Treacher: Elizabeth Warren deserves defenders like Jehmu Greene.

ANOTHER UPDATE: More reactions via Twitter.

I SHOULD GET ONE OF THESE FOR HOME DEFENSE: ‘Ironman’ a game-changer on battlefield.

It all began during an intense 2 1/2-hour firefight with the enemy earlier this year in Afghanistan. As members of the 1st Battalion, 133rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 34th Infantry Division, Iowa National Guard, sat around later at Forward Operating Base Mehtar Lam and discussed the engagement, they talked about how three-man teams manning crew-served weapons struggled to stay together over difficult terrain in fluid battles.

Someone mentioned actor Jesse Ventura in the movie “Predator.” His character brandished an M-134 Mini-gun fed by an ammo box on his back.

After the Soldiers had a good laugh over that thought, Staff Sgt. Vincent Winkowski asked why a gunner couldn’t carry a combat load of ammo. He decided to pursue the idea.

I mean, I’m already prepared to defend against Terminator robots, but you can’t be too ready.