Archive for 2012

THE OCTOBER SURPRISE: Michael Ledeen writes:

At least one element of the Times story is true: the agreement, if there actually is one, is undoubtedly “a result of intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials that date almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term.” Indeed, there were talks between Iranian officials and a representative of the Obama campaign, even before the Inauguration. Secret talks between the two countries have been going on for decades, and I do not know of any American president from Jimmy Carter to the present who did not secretly pursue a deal with Tehran. (I participated in such talks in the mid-1980s during the Reagan Administration).

So what is happening? The most likely explanation is that Obama is still desperately seeking his grand bargain, the one that would validate his (and the Nobel Committee’s) claim to be a talented peace maker. That deal is not available, because the Iranians don’t want it. But he wants something to show for his efforts, so he settled for a big nothingburger: an agreement to talk some more.

Even if the story turns out to be true, I don’t think it will help him. “We’re going to talk to the Iranians!” isn’t a very sexy headline.

Heh, indeed.™

FASTER, PLEASE: Drug From Chinese ‘Thunder God Vine’ Slays Tumors in Mice. “A drug made from a plant known as “thunder god vine,” or lei gong teng, that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine, wiped out pancreatic tumors in mice, researchers said, and may soon be tested in humans. Mice treated with the compound showed no signs of tumors after 40 days or after discontinuing the treatment, according to researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Masonic Cancer Center. The research, funded by the university and the National Institutes of Health. was published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine.” Let’s hope this pans out.

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Romney’s Tax Deduction Cap: Good Economics, Better Politics. “The Obama campaign and the press corps keep demanding that Mitt Romney specify which tax deductions he’d eliminate, but the Republican has already proposed more tax-reform specificity than any candidate in memory. To wit, he’s proposed a dollar limit on deductions for each tax filer…. The idea may be even better politically. The historic challenge for tax reformers is defeating the most powerful lobbies in Washington that exist to preserve their special tax privileges. … This is one reason President Obama wants Mr. Romney to be more specific: The minute he proposed to limit the mortgage-interest deduction, the housing lobby would do the Obama campaign’s bidding by running ads against Mr. Romney’s plan. Mr. Romney is right not to fall for this sucker play. By limiting the amount of deductions that any individual tax filer can take, Mr. Romney is avoiding this lobby-by-lobby warfare.”


“Tennessee played a great game tonight. They were well prepared and well coached, and the team executed the game plan flawlessly. The loss was due to the poor policies left over from the Fulmer era.”

Auditioning to be Obama’s next Press Secretary…


NOW THEY TELL US: Diabetes Study Ends Early With a Surprising Result. Of course, I wonder what “diet and exercise” regimen they used in the study.  Instead of following the “recommended” diet which contained both more calories and more carbs than he’d had in years, my husband — after being diagnosed with diabetes — cut his carbs considerably below the most severe Atkins phase and stared exercising a couple of hours a day.  (The diet, which we’re still following, is not dissimilar to Taubes’ recommendations.)  The end result is that he dropped 136 pounds and is not functionally diabetic.  (I.e. he takes nothing, keeps his sugar normal and the very rare indulgence — birthday cake, say — does not cause a spike in sugar.)

RENO GAZETTE-JOURNAL ENDORSES ROMNEY:  Another large paper abandons Obama in favor of Romney.  The Reno Gazette- Journal, which endorsed Obama in 2008, switches to Romney, telling its readers:

A vote to re-elect Obama promises four more years of the same. In the two debates between the two candidates so far (a third, on foreign affairs, is scheduled for Monday), the president has shown little understanding of how his failures are affecting the nation, and he hasn’t offered any tangible proposals to change course.


NEVILLE AGAIN: The New York Sun on “Obama’s ‘Agreement’ With Iran:”

Just in time for the debate between President Obama and Governor Romney on foreign policy, the New York Times is reporting that the White House and the mullahs in Iran have “agreed” to what the Times says would be “one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program.” Fox News is reporting that the White House is denying the report. The Times calls the agreement a “last ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran.” It looks to us like a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert the election of Governor Romney as the 45th president.

* * * * * *

This is a moment for Mr. Romney to remember the lessons of Munich. It is not necessary to liken the mullahs to Hitler to keep in mind that the big mistake at Munich turned out to be not simply the deal that was made there, though that was mistake enough. The mistake was going to Munich in the first place. The mistake was in the delusion on the part of Prime Minister Chamberlain and Premier Daladier that there was no danger in simply talking with Hitler. In the end the talking was the appeasement.

Read the whole thing.