Archive for 2012

REPORT: Muslim Brotherhood ‘paying gangs to go out and rape women and beat men protesting in Egypt’ as thousands of demonstrators pour on to the streets.

Were I among the anti-Morsi forces, I’d make a gruesome example of some of these guys, and put the video on YouTube. I’d make their home addresses and family names public, too, so that anyone else tempted to try this would fear all sorts of reprisals.

But then, if I were among the anti-Morsi forces, I’d be trying to decapitate the Muslim Brotherhood, and kill enough lower-level folks to make them keep their heads down. Because that’s how you deal with murderous thugs who are trying to seize your government. Other approaches don’t work. Ask Kerensky.

And it’s not so important that you’re outnumbered. The Bolsheviks were outnumbered, too, until they were on top.

UPDATE: Rick Brookhiser emails:

Your advice to Egyptian moderates tracks what Arnold Beichman, old socialist, said to to me as we looked at the Winter Palace c. 1985: “Kerensky, that jerk–if only he’d shot a few people, millions would be alive!”

Yep. In a revolution, you can’t be halfhearted. And Brookhiser adds:

Thanks for all you do, and an extra thanks to your helpers this fall–they were terrific. (I owe them since I once grumped over your substitutes.)

Heh. I remember that. But it turned out fine this time!

THE CORDAIR ART GALLERY FOLKS ARE HAVING AN AUCTION. We have Lunch Break hanging in our living room.

HOW SELF-RELIANCE AND TIGHT BUDGETING GOT COLORADO SPRINGS THROUGH THE RECESSION: “This is a mainstream media piece using the word ‘libertarian,’ so we should assume that Colorado Springs residents responded to hard times by resorting to cannibalism and emulating the plot of Road Warrior, right? Not so much. Actually, residents voted down onerous tax hikes that would have been spent on politician-preferred priorities in favor of paying for or providing their own services.”

MORE GREEN-CAR PROBLEMS: Fisker Suspends Production Of The Karma. “Because we have no batteries, there’s no production right now. Inventory is starting to get a little low.” Government-subsidized Fisker doesn’t have batteries because the government-subsidized battery-maker, A123, went bankrupt and doesn’t have a buyer.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: New York Times: Saying No To College.

Even the staunchest critics of college concede that a diploma is still necessary for many professions — law and medicine, clearly, and in many cases, for a Fortune 500 executive, too. But that’s the point: how many more lawyers and middle managers do we need?

“College is training for managerial work, and the economy doesn’t need that many managers,” said Michael Ellsberg, the author of “The Education of Millionaires: Everything You Won’t Learn In College About How to Be Successful.”

Mr. Ellsberg, 35, graduated from Brown University and spent years trying to translate his expertise in post-colonial critical theory into a paying career. So his book tries to impart real-world skills, like salesmanship and networking, which he argues are crucial as white-collar jobs are being downsized or shipped to Bangalore. The future, he added, belongs to job creators, even if the only job they create is their own.

“I’m not saying you have to be Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs,” Mr. Ellsberg said. “I know people with dog-walking businesses who make six figures.”

I wonder if these changes will lead to more political support for entrepreneurship? Also, I told you so.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: A Shocking Chart On Tuition vs. Earnings For College Grads. “While President Obama has supported increasing the availability of student loans, others are questioning if student loans are becoming too easy to obtain, putting those who have no hope of paying off the loan into crushing life-long debt.” Ya think?

YOU THINK IT’S BOOMING NOW? JUST WAIT UNTIL OBAMACARE: Medical tourism booms in Costa Rica. “When Canadian house cleaner Marlene Trithardt needed a tooth replaced, she drove past her local dentist’s office in Alberta and flew to the beach paradise of Costa Rica – to save money.” When I was last on Cayman they were talking about setting up a medical-tourism destination facility there, too.

A MOVE TO NEUTER FLEET STREET? As with the UN Internet initiative, the global elites seem to want to shut down criticism. Reminds me of this passage from Hayek’s The Road To Serfdom:

Everything which might cause doubt about the wisdom of the government or create discontent will be kept from the people. The basis of unfavorable comparisons with elsewhere, the knowledge of possible alternatives to the course actually taken, information which might suggest failure on the part of the government to live up to its promises or to take advantage of opportunities to improve conditions–all will be suppressed. There is consequently no field where the systematic control of information will not be practiced and uniformity of views not enforced.

But I’m probably just being paranoid.

KATRINA ON THE HUDSON: Angry New Yorkers say Obama pledge to cut red tape ignored by FEMA. “Some 1,000 people, many left homeless by the Oct. 29 storm, attended the meeting at Staten Island’s New Dorp High School. They were initially scheduled to submit written questions that would be picked and answered at random, but the session turned into an angry shouting match where residents booed FEMA officials and accused them of lying.”

Takeaway quote: “FEMA ain’t doing nothing.” This would be getting more, and different, coverage if we had a Republican in the White House.