Archive for 2012

NOTE THAT THEY’RE DEMOCRATS. I’M JUST SAYIN’. Hawaii may keep track of all Web sites visited. “Hawaii’s legislature is weighing an unprecedented proposal to curb the privacy of Aloha State residents: requiring Internet providers to keep track of every Web site their customers visit. . . . Mizuno’s proposal currently specifies no privacy protections, such as placing restrictions on what Internet providers can do with this information (like selling user profiles to advertisers) or requiring that police obtain a court order before perusing the virtual dossiers of Hawaiian citizens. Also absent are security requirements such as mandating the use of encryption.”

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: Will German Politicians Wreck Europe To Save Their Own Skins? “It takes some truly talented screw ups to come up with a worse plan for Greece than the one the Greeks have developed for themselves, but the Germans have risen to occasion in fine form.”

A NEW LAW BLOG: The Legal Whiteboard. With Bill Henderson and Andy Morriss.

MEGAN MCARDLE: When Will Housing Hit Bottom? “The National Association of Realtors is (quelle surprise!) quite bullish on the future of the housing market. Not so fast, says Lance Roberts of StreetTalk Advisors.”

ROGER KIMBALL: The Suicide Club.

UPDATE: Link was bad before. Fixed now. Sorry!

BOOK PLUG: Reader E.C. Williams writes:

I’m a long-time reader – not quite from the beginning a decade ago, but close! Congratulations on the most interesting blog in the Interwebs!

I notice you mention books from time to time – how about a plug for my novels “Westerly Gales” and “Cruise of the Albatros”, the first two books in the Sci Fi series I call the “Westerly Gales Saga”? They’re both on Amazon Kindle, and only ninety-nine cents apiece – cheap at twice the price!

Thanks, Glenn. And keep up the good work — I’ll keep reading you faithfully whether you give my books a plug or not!

I help out readers when I can. Good luck!

FOR A MOON COLONY, technology is the easy part. “Could the United States establish a moon colony and develop a new propulsion system for going to Mars? All within eight years of a Newt Gingrich presidency, as Mr. Gingrich promised this week? The answers seem to be technologically yes, economically iffy and politically very difficult.”

IN THE MAIL: From Robert Heinlein, Sixth Column.

CHRISTINA HOFF SOMMERS: How The CDC Is Overstating Sexual VIolence In The U.S.

In fact, what the study reveals is the devastating impact that careless advocacy research can have on truth. The report proposes an array of ambitious government-sponsored “prevention strategies” and recommends “multi-disciplinary service centers” offering survivors psychological and legal counseling as well as housing and economic assistance. But survivors of sexual violence would be better served by good research and sober estimates — not inflated statistics and sensationalism.

The agency’s figures are wildly at odds with official crime statistics.

But perfectly aligned with funding prospects. Me, I’d rather see the CDC work on controlling actual diseases. rather than redefining behavior as a disease. But I was pointing out the politicization of public health back when InstaPundit was new.

UPDATE: Reader Mike Voncannon writes: “As someone who has been in Law Enforcement since the 70s, I know rape and sexual assault are under reported to Law Enforcement (for a host of different reasons). But for the CDC to claim that they are under reported by a factor of 93 hurts their efforts more than it helps. I know that the Sexual Assault Center in Knoxville and Safe Harbor in Sevierville who offer treatment and counseling to victims are struggling to fund their operations; but if anyone thinks this CDC study will help, they need professional help themselves.”