Archive for 2012

I EAGERLY AWAIT THE DEMANDS FOR DEMOCRATS TO REJECT ALL SUPPORT FROM THESE IRRETRIEVABLE BIGOTS: Unions reject partner benefits. “The Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association and two units of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees Local 7, in three separate votes, rejected the benefit. Don Czerniak, Local 7 president, said the employees overwhelmingly disagreed with extending the benefit to unmarried couples — which could have covered both heterosexual and same-sex couples who register as domestic partners.”

OUT: OUTSOURCING. In: Onshoring.

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS NOT BUYING THE ANTI-FRACKING CAMPAIGN: Latest anti-drilling claims are so much laughing gas.

In their desperation to block Gov. Cuomo from giving the okay for fracking in New York, die-hard opponents of the natural gas drilling technology are floating laugh-out-loud-funny health and environmental threats.

Most hilariously, the enviro-activists have demanded that state officials explore an alleged link between fracking and — we kid you not — syphilis.

They argue that a drilling boom would draw an influx of male workers from other states who would engage in activities of a kind that would spread sexually transmitted diseases.

They also contend that a boom would trigger a housing crunch, adding to homelessness and the health ailments that go along with it.

And that increased truck traffic would not only lead to more road fatalities, but would also — again, no kidding — discourage people from getting the outdoor exercise they need to stay fit.

This is absurd. If New York starts saying no to entire industries on the grounds they might trigger population changes, rising home prices and truck traffic, it might as well turn out the lights.

Well, that’s the enviros’ goal, you know.

MARK STEYN: BOWING TO THE MOBS. “After a week and a half of peddling an utterly false narrative of what happened in Libya, the United States government is apparently beginning to discern that there are limits to what even Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Susan Rice can say with a straight face. The official line — that the slaughter of American officials was some sort of improvised movie review that got a little out of hand — is now in the process of modification to something bearing a less patently absurd relationship to what actually happened. That should not make any more forgivable the grotesque damage that the administration has done to the bedrock principle of civilized society: freedom of speech.”

Related: Free Speech & Its Enemies.

Also: “Libyan Ambassador Chris Stevens was unavailable for comment.”

DOING JOBS THE DUTCH WON’T DO: Ghent prostitutes told to wear more clothes.

Mayor Daniel Termont told AFP he was not “anti-prostitutes.”

“I’m not a puritan,” he said. “Far from it! A city like Ghent needs prostitutes, but they have to respect certain rules.” . . .

Local newspaper Di Morgen cited one veteran prostitute as saying particularly competitive new arrivals from eastern Europe were behind this cranked-up atmosphere compared to a decade ago.

The immigrants are always hungrier.


We’re barraged by new distractions, so let’s catch things that are slipping down the memory hole. It’s not just Nakoula. It’s Chris Stevens. Our ambassador was murdered, and he was murdered after he was targeted and he was not given security.

Shame on those who disrespected Nakoula’s freedom of speech. Their faults are apparent and need to be remembered. But what happened to Chris Stevens? I don’t trust that we’ve learned the whole story. Why wasn’t he protected? Was he an inconvenient man? We saw such an effort to create static around his death. Look — riots over here, here, and here! Offensive video on the internet! Man with a “towel” around his face! And hey check out the most important thing that happened all week: Romney said “47%” to some people back in May!

The very fact that we’re thinking about Nakoula — and futzing with Romney rhetoric — makes me feel that Chris Stevens got stuffed down the memory hole.

Who wanted that forgetting and why?

Well, I have a hunch. Plus, from the comments: “Anybody tries to call himself President who hears an American consulate is under attack and just goes back to bed owes said Ambassador a lot more than an apology.”

Plus: “There aren’t that many assassinations of American officials. I have never seen anything like this one, where we as a people are encouraged to dilute the incident with all these other events of a much more mundane variety. An assassination should stand apart — clear and shocking and in need of precise investigation.” I’m pretty sure that investigation will be designed to ensure that no findings are made until after the election.


POLITICIZED ENGINEERING: Germany’s wind power chaos should be a warning to the UK. “Germany has gone further down the ‘renewables’ path than any country in the world, and now it’s paying the price . . . The more a country depends on such sources of energy, the more there will arise – as Germany is discovering – two massive technical problems. One is that it becomes incredibly difficult to maintain a consistent supply of power to the grid, when that wildly fluctuating renewable output has to be balanced by input from conventional power stations. The other is that, to keep that back-up constantly available can require fossil-fuel power plants to run much of the time very inefficiently and expensively. . . . Both these problems have come home to roost in Germany in a big way.”