Archive for 2012

WITH LOTS OF PHOTOS, Gateway Pundit reports on today’s “Occupy The Truth” Rally in Cleveland.

Here’s one, of Dana Loesch, Michelle Malkin, and Sonnie Johnson.

Jim Hoft emails that a good time was had by all. Sure looks like it.

UPDATE: Reader Pat Dooley writes:

This is one of my favorite pictures from today:

Great T-shirt message plus Breitbart images everywhere. Math: gets them every time.

IowaHawk really started something with that.


AM I WRONG TO TAKE THE SIDE OF “PUSSY RIOT” OVER VLADIMIR PUTIN? This post by Eugene Volokh makes the argument that I am, sort of.

#WARONWOMEN: A special breeding program for Party members? “You want to get ahead in the Democratic Party power structure? Submit to the matchmaking… and make some babies. I’d like to know more about how this picking of “good people” is carried out. Are good looking women chosen to provide wives for the men? . . . I’d like 10 years of data.”

I have obtained secret video of the meeting where this plan was developed.

UPDATE: Moe Lane suggests a name for Schumer’s program: “How about ‘Spring of Life?'”

And reader Patrick Anders writes: “It’s worth remembering that Anthony Weiner was Schumer’s chief of staff. Weiner later went on to become the perfect model of a happy marriage!”

STORAGE: Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram. “Scientists have been eyeing up DNA as a potential storage medium for a long time, for three very good reasons: It’s incredibly dense (you can store one bit per base, and a base is only a few atoms large); it’s volumetric (beaker) rather than planar (hard disk); and it’s incredibly stable — where other bleeding-edge storage mediums need to be kept in sub-zero vacuums, DNA can survive for hundreds of thousands of years in a box in your garage.”

HE CHOSE POORLY: Heavily armed Alabama mom invites intruder to lie down for a bit. “When momma’s got a gun and her two daughters can quickly lay their hands on a butcher knife and an axe, you’ve become the very definition of ‘failure in the victim selection process.'”

Honestly, when you decide to stage a home invasion in Alabama, you’ve already made a big mistake.

PAUL RYAN AT THE VILLAGES: Blogged here, here, and here. Nice, firsthand blog-reporting with photos at all 3 sites.

OUCH: Brazil worker survives bar through skull. “This tomography scan released Thursday, Aug. 16, 2012 by the Miguel Couto hospital, shows the skull of 24-year-old construction worker Eduardo Leite pierced by a metal bar in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Doctors say Leite survived after a 6-foot metal bar fell from above him and pierced his head. Luiz Essinger of Rio de Janeiro’s Miguel Couto Hospital Friday told the Globo TV network that doctors successfully withdrew the iron bar during a five-hour-long surgery.”

JOHN ELLIS: The Collapse of CNN. “In a little over twenty years, CNN devolved from the most important television news organization in the world to another channel to skim through or skip over. But don’t take my word for it. Look at the numbers. In the second quarter of this year, CNN’s primetime ratings basically collapsed. The overall numbers were down horribly and the key demos were down horribly. It was so bad that in primetime, CNN was losing to CNN Headline News, which is a little bit like the Yankees losing to their farm team in Columbus Scranton, every night.”

VLADIMIR PUTIN IS SCARED OF GIRLS: Steve Chapman: Putin’s Fear of Pussy Riot. “To Putin, Western leaders may seem weak because they routinely tolerate the most outrageous insults and vicious attacks. But they are really demonstrating the strength that lies in democratic processes. American presidents are strong enough not to be fearful of protests and dissent.”

THE HAZARDS OF NO-SUN ADVICE: Low Vitamin D Levels. “The researchers recommend that more should be done to improve the uptake of current advice on vitamin D supplements, but they also suggest that promoting safe sun exposure and access to green spaces in summer could be a useful additional strategy, even in the north of Scotland.”

I’d say that in Scotland, you should take advantage of whatever sun you can get . . . .