Archive for 2012

RACISM IN THE AGE OF OBAMA: “Seven black teens have been arrested on suspicion that they committed a hate crime when they attacked a 15-year-old Hispanic boy while he was walking home from school in Southern California, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Office. . . . During the beating, the teens made racially derogatory statements that were captured on the video, Ford said.”

Following the lead of the folks at MSNBC, I suppose I should blame the climate of hate whipped up by the President and his supporters’ racially-charged rhetoric.

THE HUFFINGTON POST’S UNPAID BLOGGERS LOSE THEIR LAWSUIT and get no sympathy from Ann Althouse: “You want to get paid for your writing? Bargain for it. And quit whining. No one wants to read things written by whiners, so you’re only digging yourselves a deeper hole.”

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Middle-aged borrowers piling on student debt. “Everybody believes they will get out school, get a job and pay it back. Few really take the time to do the math and decide how much they could afford to borrow.”

PHIL BOWERMASTER: Teleportation In The News. “The guy who lands on the other side isn’t me — he just thinks he is. I’m dead.”

AT AMAZON, digital deals.

QUESTIONS ABOUT Scotusblog’s objectivity? From the comments: “As for the RNC ad, Goldstein’s comments reflect more the tendency of any small, in-bred group to protect its own. Verrilli is a certified, card-carrying member of the SCT bar — he personifies it in his background, current position and likely future career. Goldstein certainly sees himself as part of the same elite crowd. So it’s not political; it’s just a ‘let’s defend Don’ moment. Unfortunately it is likely to backfire badly with anyone not living in the same bubble.”

UPDATE: Related: Legal Elites And Strategic Behavior.


ER, FASTER PLEASE? Vaccine to stop heart attacks could be here in 5 years. “Scientists have discovered that the drug stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies which prevent heart disease by stopping fat building up in the arteries.” Well, stay tuned.

BRITAIN’S FUEL PANIC: “Self-Inflicted Insanity.” “The ambulance had enough diesel to get to the destination but they were struggling to find fuel to allow the team to return to Yorkshire to do further work.”

JAMES TARANTO: Leonid Brezhnev lives. “The presumption that history inevitably moves in one ideological direction is reminiscent of Marx, just as the determination to defend decades-old revolutionary gains echoes the Brezhnev Doctrine.” Hey, if we have a living constitution, that means it can change to meet changed circumstances. Such as our going broke under the old living constitution.