Archive for 2012

PANIC IN PENNSYLVANIA: OMG OMG! It’s a Water Gun! With Water in it! OMG! “What’s next, ear-splitting bouts of Marco Polo in the public pool? Short-sheeting beds at camp? Shaving cream in a sleeping kid’s hand? Oh, the humanity.”

HOW TO CUT CARBON EMISSIONS: Fracking Cuts Carbon More Than Cap-And-Trade. “Ignore the greens and innovate, and you will cut carbon. Pay a lot of attention to them, spend a lot of money — and you will keep carbon emissions unchanged. . . . Right now, fracking is doing more to control carbon emissions than all the efforts of all the greens in the world. And by promoting American (and Chinese!) domestic energy production, it is doing more to lay the foundations of world peace than all the peace activists and disarmament campaigners in the world.” Which is why it must be stopped. It’s threatening the whole feedlot!


China’s urban areas are booming economically, but that trend is paralleled by another one with serious implications for public health: obesity rates have skyrocketed over the last generation. The number of Chinese people who are obese quintupled between 2005 and 2011, to nearly 100 million people. The World Health Organization estimates that 38.5 percent of the population was overweight in 2010, up from 25 percent in 2002. Male children from high-income families have an especially high rate of obesity.

Personally, I blame George W. Bush.

SUDDENLY, IT’S A BUYER’S MARKET: Prospective Students Tell Law Schools, “Show us the money.” “Law schools experienced a 25% decline in applicants nationwide during the past two years, due in part to the tight job market for new lawyers and a more widespread understanding of the high costs of attending. Many have responded by accepting a larger percentage of applicants and sweetening their scholarship packages, in hopes of locking in prospective students. For their part, many would-be law students sense opportunity and are aggressively negotiating scholarship offers from competing schools. . . . The trickle-down effect of competition for students may be hitting lower-tier schools the hardest.”

Just as I predicted.

STACY MCCAIN keeps digging. Really, was trying to shut him up a smart move? No, no it wasn’t.