Archive for 2012

BINDER DERANGEMENT SYNDROME: Roger L. Simon on How the Democratic Party Exploits Women.

Read the whole thing, then click through the artwork atop the post for one immediate example.

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: Getting Rich At The Jobs Of The Future.

In the worlds of higher-ed and finance, many of these kinds of jobs are already well established. Healthcare isn’t far behind and it’s likely that more and more families trying to wrestle with the complexities of health care organizations, insurance companies and government regulations are going to reach out to consultants who can help them make sense of the whole business.

Think of these new professionals as navigators: helping people chart a course through the increasingly complex institutions of the 21st century. One of the classic methods of economic progress is that goods and services once reserved to the very rich gradually become available to mass market consumers at a lower cost. Figuring out how regular middle class families can get help that in the past only elites could have is a way by which a new generation of professionals can create their own jobs and chart a fresh course of their own.

The collapse of the blue model and the mass manufacturing economy kills many jobs and causes a lot of pain. But the same processes that are closing some doors are opening others. America’s future depends on how quickly we recognize and act on the opportunities now opening up on every side.

Well, this is what lawyers have done for ages. But is a society so complex that every bit of it is lawyerized a good thing>

YOU FUNDED ROBO-SQUIRRELS:  Yep.  You read that right:  Taxpayers forked over $325,000 of their hard-earned dollars to the federal government so that the National Science Foundation could give it to University of California, San Diego researchers to develop a robotic squirrel.

UPDATE (FROM GLENN): It’s San Diego State University, not UCSD. And while I respect Coburn on the budget in general, these items on science spending carry a whiff of Proxmirism that I don’t like.

JIM TREACHER: “Secret Service” doesn’t mean “get serviced, keep secrets.” “Hey, remember when the Secret Service got in trouble because of that hooker in Colombia? And then there was all that stuff about how the guys who are supposed to be protecting the President of the United States spend a lot of time partying really hard? Well, it’s only getting worse.”

WHO IS THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD?:  In a word: ShariaIt is a group whose mission is to govern via Sharia law and legitimize it by having MB adherents elected democratically.  Ah, the Arab Spring! Democracy in bloom! Hey, I have a great idea:  Let’s get arms to the Brotherhood– oh wait, the Obama Administration’s already done that. 

Supporting democratic, intolerant regimes–such as the Morsi regime in Egypt–isn’t a good thing, folks.  It is dangerous. Hmmm….. democratic, intolerant regimes.  Sound familiar, anyone?

BRENDAN O’NEILL: Britain’s High-Tech Thought Police. “What country has just sentenced a man to eight months in prison for wearing an anti-police t-shirt, and another man to three months in prison for telling an ‘abhorrent’ joke on Facebook? Iran, perhaps? China? No, it’s Britain. Something has gone horribly wrong in Britain in recent years.”

Tar. Feathers.


If there was any doubt that the tidal wave of enthusiasm among young voters that fueled President Obama’s 2008 run has long since receded, a new poll on the millennial generation’s political leanings in the upcoming election cements it.

The Harvard Institute of Politics’ national survey of 18- to 29-year-olds, released on Wednesday, found that while likely young voters favor Obama by a 19-point margin—55 percent to Republican nominee Mitt Romney’s 36 percent—only 48 percent say that they definitely plan to vote next month.

On every issue, from the economy to immigration to health care to foreign affairs, young voters said they trust the president more than Romney. Nonetheless, the Romney supporters appear to be more enthusiastic, with 66 percent who support the former Massachusetts governor saying they will definitely vote, compared to 55 percent of Obama backers.

In 2008, Obama won Indiana, North Carolina, and Virginia with the help of young voters. If all the under-30s had stayed home, the historically red states would have remained in the GOP column.

The National Journal hastens to add that this isn’t any reflection on Obama himself, but on the political system as a whole. But didn’t Obama promise change, and a new kind of politics?

Maybe America has just become ungovernable.

TAX $$$$ FOR HOLOCAUST DENIAL:  Ah, sweet progressive tolerance, promotion of  human rights, and peace– all best embodied by the U.N.  Makes a liberal/progressive feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Oh– except one little thing:  U.N.-sponsored (yes, with U.S. tax dollars) schools in Jordan–which have a whopping 2 million students enrolled–have steadfastly refused to teach the Holocaust as part of their human rights curriculum.  Why, you ask?  Because teaching the Palestinian students “about the so-called ‘Holocaust’ as part of human rights harms the Palestinian cause… and changes the students’ views regarding their main enemy, namely the Israeli occupation.”

So-called Holocaust?  Oy veh.  Yeah, the truth does tend to change one’s views.

Thank goodness we have the U.N. to keep the world at peace.

ROLL CALL: List of House Goners Not What We Expected. “It is three weeks before Election Day and a handful of incumbents are already seeing the writing on the wall. They won’t be coming back to Congress. It’s time to look for other gainful employment or merely enjoy the quiet pleasures of forced retirement.”

UPDATE: A reader emails:

Please don’t use my name if you print this, since I know some of the people involved and I work here in DC.

Regarding the article from Roll Call you linked to about surprising house races I found one statement by Stuart Rothenberg (who I have worked with in the past) particularly offensive. Specifically in regards to the race between John Barrow (D-GA) who I know and personally like and State Sen. Lee Anderson (R) who I don’t know but who I probably would like as well, Rothenberg says this:

While I haven’t met Anderson, those who have and whose opinions I respect are not impressed.

The farmer turned state legislator, who attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and Brewton-Parker College, isn’t regarded as a strong speaker or debater.

How does he describe John Barrow?

First elected in 2004, Barrow is an attorney who attended the University of Georgia and Harvard Law School. He knocked off GOP incumbent Max Burns to win the seat.

So Rothenberg’s opinion (remember, this is the guy who predicted the Republicans’ chance of winning the house n 2009 to be “exactly zero”) is based on two facts: 1) He’s heard Anderson is not a strong speaker or debater. 2) Anderson is “wink wink” an idiot compared to the much more impressively educated Barrow.

Now, point 1 may in fact be a legitimate issue. I don’t know. Its the first I heard of it (but I haven’t been paying attention). But it strikes me that while having attended UGA certainly helps in Georgia, most voters in the incredibly rural and heavily agriculturally focused district (its basically the swamps, pine trees, cotton and chickens) won’t view the Republican as somehow inferior because he went to both a state school that happens to be the primary Ag “trade”school for rural Georgians (where I a large plurality of those same agriculturally employed constitutes probably have received some training) and a Baptist Bible College compared to a guy who left the state and went all the way up to Harvard in Massachusetts (where the Kennedys and the Kerry’s and all those damn liberal New England Yankees are from).

I have to say, “While I haven’t met Anderson, those who have and whose opinions I respect are not impressed,” isn’t what we call top-notch reporting. . . .

EAT MY DUST–OKAY, YUM!:  Apparently a lot of people eat dirt.  Here’s why.

ONE WAY FREE SPEECH: The progressive vision of free speech is decidedly one-way, excluding any speech that is “hate” speech, or simply politically incorrect speech.  The latest battle is taking place on college and university campuses across the country, as this report about UC-Berkeley reveals.  The one-way topic du jour?  Palestine.

I can tell you from first-hand experience as an academic that pro-Palestine speech is freely encouraged, while pro-Israel speech is far too often labeled “hate” speech and suppressed.

Progressive free speech = one way only.  Reminds me of George Orwell’s 1984:  “Don’t you see the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the language of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express it”

ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS:  Is this Aston Martin 77.  Santa, are you listening????  I’ve been a good girl, sort of.  :)

DILBERT CARTOONIST SCOTT ADAMS ENDORSES ROMNEY. “Personally, I’d prefer death to spending the final decades of my life in prison. So while President Obama didn’t technically kill a citizen, he is certainly ruining this fellow’s life, and his family’s lives, and the lives of countless other minor drug offenders. And he is doing it to advance his career. If that’s not a firing offense, what the hell is?”