Archive for 2012

IMAGERY: Super-resolution microscopy imaging of live cell structures. “Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology and University of California, San Francisco have advanced scientists’ ability to view a clear picture of a single cellular structure in motion. By identifying molecules using compressed sensing, this new method provides needed spatial resolution plus a faster temporal resolution than previously possible. Despite many achievements in the field of super-resolution microscopy in the past few years with spatial resolution advances, live-cell imaging has remained a challenge because of the need for high temporal resolution.”

IN THE MAIL: From Lloyd Tackitt, A Distant Eden. The Insta-Wife, who’s usually not much into disaster-prep, is reading this and enjoying it.

WALTER RUSSELL MEAD: Democrats’ War on Blue Gets a New Recruit. “Another Democratic governor is distancing himself from the blue model: Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced a plan to shore up the state’s pension system by reducing benefits and increasing contributions and working time by state employees. Quinn’s plan would raise the age at which pensions can be collected by two years to 67, while reducing annual cost-of-living adjustments to 3 percent or less. His proposals could save the state up to $85 billion over the next 30 years.”

ANNALS OF THE 1 PERCENT: Union Boss Richard Trumka makes eight times as much as the average American.

UPDATE: Reader Dan Heskett writes: “Union Boss Trumka’s payof $264,827 is not enough to earn him the “1 percent” title you bestowed on him. Depending on the source and calculation method, that’s a solid 30% below what is needed to get him to the top 1%. It certainly appears he’s in the top 5%, however.” A fair point, and noted. Wow, it’s been a big morning for corrections around here. Well, I don’t promise not to make mistakes, just to fix ’em when I find ’em.

ANOTHER UPDATE: Reader Kawika Lucas says I should stand my ground:

Just wanted to note that your initial use of “Annals of the 1%” was used correctly independent of how much Trumka makes. Occupy * doesn’t actually care if you are part of the 1%, nor do the majority of people who use the term 1%ers. 1% is really a euphemism for a group or person who is to be targeted independent of their actual salary or financial status. All you need to do with look at Occupy Wall Street to know that they didn’t differentiate between the people making between $60,000 – $300,000, the shop/restaurant owners, residents, and the Execs making Millions. They saw Wall Street as a monolithic entity and any affiliation with it was enough to taint you as the 1%.

After watching so many videos of the Occupy movement, i’m not sure any of the occupiers could even tell you what salary is needed to reach the 1%.

Well, good point. And of course, if Trumka’s is married to a woman who earns even a moderately decent salary he’s right back in the economic 1%. But maybe he’s married to someone who’s never worked a day in her life.

STEPHEN GREEN: Shhh — Nobody Tell Obama He’s High-Diving in the Kiddie Pool. “In fact, there’s some evidence that these left-wing attacks are doing the impossible — getting the GOP base excited about Romney. ‘Excited about Romney.’ That has got to be some kind of oxymoron. And yet, Team Obama is making it real.”

YEAH, I HAD A STORY ABOUT OBAMA, THE SENATE, AND TAXES, BUT I SOMEHOW MISREAD THE STORY SO I TOOK IT DOWN. That’s two stories I misread this morning. In my defense, I was blogging on just one cup of coffee.

YOU DON’T NEED A WEATHERMAN TO SEE WHICH WAY THE WIND IS BLOWING: ‘Gaia’ scientist James Lovelock: I was ‘alarmist’ about climate change. “The problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago. That led to some alarmist books – mine included – because it looked clear-cut, but it hasn’t happened.”

“SMART DIPLOMACY:” Dana Rohrabacher Left Off Afghan CODEL Trip. “When Rep. Dana Rohrabacher was asked not to come into Afghanistan over the weekend, it touched off a diplomatic brouhaha that could be the latest in a string of blows to U.S.-Afghan relations.”

I really don’t feel that the whole Afghanistan thing is being handled very well.

PRESIDENT APPOINTS WHITE HOUSE STAFF SECRETARY AS GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE N.S.A. A reader who asks anonymity writes: “The last two in that position were career professionals. Imagine if Bush had done this … but nobody has even picked up this story.”

UPDATE: Oops, my mistake — I misread that. The former student is the one who’s replacing him at the White House, not the one who’s going to the NSA. Thanks to several readers who noted the error. The NSA appointment still seems unusual, though.

WAR ON PHOTOGRAPHY UPDATE: MY NEW LAW REVIEW ARTICLE, A Due Process Right To Record The Police, co-authored with John Steakley, is now available online. It’ll be out in print from the Washington University Law Review in May. Download early and often. It’s short and punchy! (Bumped).


WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING? Obama’s Popularity Falls Among Catholics. Plus, coming protests and civil disobedience? “Don’t expect much media coverage of that since it doesn’t go along with the narrative.”