Archive for 2012

NARRATIVE-DESTROYING QUOTE OF THE DAY. “Do you know who waited for the church-goers to get out of church so that he could hand them flyers in an attempt to organize the black community against this horrible miscarriage of justice? Do you know who helped organize the City Hall meeting on January 8, 2011 at Sanford City Hall?? That person was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.”

If only the media had people whose job it was to find out things like this and report them.

HYPOCRISY: Biggest Recipient of BP Oil Money Targets Romney’s “Ties” to Oil. “Back in 2008, Barack Obama was the top recipient of donations from British Petroleum. But we’re not supposed to mention that. The AP sure won’t.”

Leaving aside the obvious hypocrisy, given that the domestic oil industry is one of the few sources of new jobs in this lousy economy, this might be a mistake on a different level. . . .

UPDATE: Obama’s problem: No results.

POLL: 61% of voters think it’s likely Obamacare will be repealed. And 54% favor repeal. That’s if the Supreme Court doesn’t strike it down first. But: “Only 20% of voters think Congress has the constitutional authority to force everyone to buy health insurance.”

Plus: “It’s not just the idea of making the choice that drives these numbers, it’s the belief held by most Americans that competition will do more than government regulation to reduce the cost of health care.” If only the Democrats had someone who was a great communicator, an eloquent speaker who could explain to the voters why ObamaCare is so good for them.

READER JAMES COZERT writes to request a plug for his science fiction book, Exchange, now available on Kindle. Done!

MORE ON OBAMA’S DUBIOUS DONATIONS: “Another reader reports that he was able to make a donation to the 2012 Obama campaign as Usama bin Laden (Address: “6 feetunder Drive, Islamabad, DC”) without any credit card verification. He writes: ‘The irony is that when I tried to make a contribution for $1, I received an error that the donation must be at least $2.’ Our reader received an email from the Obama campaign thanking Usama for the contribution. He has forwarded us screen shots of the transaction, including the one below.”

So if someone’s information is stolen, and used to make a donation, could they sue the campaign for enabling fraud?

DAN MITCHELL: Revolt Of The Irish Tax Slaves. “What makes this new tax so outrageous is that Irish taxpayers already have been victimized with higher income tax rates and a more onerous value-added tax. Yet they weren’t the ones to cause the nation’s fiscal crisis. Ireland is in trouble for two reasons, and both deal with the spending side of the fiscal equation.”

THE COUNTRY’S IN THE VERY BEST OF HANDS: GSA chief resigns following excessive spending claims. “The head of the General Services Administration resigned from her post Monday, and two other officials were fired amid an investigation into excessive spending at a 2010 training conference that featured a clown, a comedian and mindreader, Federal News Radio reports. Martha Johnson, the GSA administrator, submitted her resignation on Monday, citing a “significant mis-step” at the agency to the tune of more than $800,000.”

Remember when Obama was condemning corporate trips to Las Vegas?