Archive for 2012


We’ll dilute our way out of it! Republicans did poorly among Hispanics last week. How to address that problem? The answer, they’re told by Washington savants, is to back an immigration reform that … increases the number of Hispanics! It’s a plan so crazy it just might be crazy.

Joshua Culling, who works for Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, elaborates on the plan elsewhere on this site. It turns out the idea–let’s call it the Grover Plan, just to be annoying–isn’t as wacky as I you might think. It’s wackier.

Suppose Republicans conspire with Dems to bring amnesty to the 10 or 11 million unauthorized immigrants who are already here. Eventually they become citizens. Will they be ready to wipe the slate clean and vote Republican? Or will the Dems figure out new ways to gin up their ethnic base at election time?

I know which way to bet, especially with a media apparat that calls the GOP the party of old racist white people.

ELECTIONS: Week later, more than 300,000 Ohio votes remain uncounted.

The presidential election results in Ohio were close: According to still-unofficial figures from the Secretary of State, Barack Obama won the state with 2,690,841 votes to Mitt Romney’s 2,583,582 votes — a winning margin of 107,259 votes for the president. In percentage terms, that is 50.18 percent of the vote for Obama, and 48.18 percent for Romney.

But those numbers will change. Remember when, before the election, many observers discussed the possibility the results could be decided by the large number of provisional ballots that might be cast in Ohio? Well, those provisional ballots were cast, and they have not yet been counted. Neither have a significant number of absentee ballots. Together, the number of uncounted ballots is larger than Obama’s margin of victory.

According to the Secretary of State, there are 204,927 uncounted provisional ballots and 119,535 absentee ballots, for a total of 324,462 ballots. That is roughly three times the president’s 107,259-vote winning margin.

If the government can’t even handle elections better than this, how well can it perform the other tasks it’s assigned?

JOHN NOLTE: Your Guide To Understanding The Media For The Next Four Years.

Naturally, this won’t end with Obama leaving office in 2016. For the media will then write the first draft of history with a flood of books proclaiming Obama’s greatness — regardless of the actual results. And if this first draft of history is based on what we’ve seen throughout his presidency, Obama will be graded on a curve so steep it will require a guard rail.

Heh. Sadly, yes.



DONALD SENSING: Petraeus and Broadwell: The FBI circles the wagons. “There is nothing here deserving of the media attention it is getting (which should be redirected now directly upon the FBI itself, not the principals) or deserving of the expenditure of investigator man hours and resources being expended on it. Does one smell the aroma of a US attorney general ordering the FBI to make sure that this non-issue stays the lead story as Congress prepares to hear testimony about the Benghazi attacks?”

But with John Kerry and Sheldon Whitehouse being dragged in, this scandal may get so big that it has to fade away quickly. . . . “A spokeswoman for Kerry – who the Washington Post reports is being considered as President Obama’s next secretary of defense — had no immediate comment.”

HOW WE COULD BLOW THE ENERGY BOOM. “America’s vast new surplus of natural gas could lead to great prosperity and a cleaner environment. But if we don’t fix our decrepit, blackout -prone electric grid, we could wind up sitting in the dark.”

A LOOK AT The Beatles’ contribution to brain science.

A while back I realized that I could remember the guitar solo note-for-note from a song I hadn’t heard in 20 years. Why waste brain cells remembering that? My colleague Ben Barton suggested that in the old days, prehistoric people without writing often used songs to pass along useful knowledge. If you had the gene that let you remember the song about famine foods, you were a lot more likely to survive the famine than if you didn’t.