Archive for 2012

RELIGIOUS FREEDOM: The Battle At Vanderbilt Goes National. When I spoke there a couple of weeks back, the students told me they thought this was part of Vanderbilt’s ongoing effort to “de-Southernize” itself.


SURVEILLANCE AND DOUBLE STANDARDS: Dallas Police Don’t Like It When The Shoe Is On The Other Foot. “better spin for this article would be ‘police violations of traffic law treated far more leniently than those by anyone else.’ And even with this lenient treatment, they still shut it down as too onerous.”


MEDIA MUTTERS: NBC News President on dishonestly edited George Zimmerman 911 call: Oops (sorta). Jim Treacher is not impressed: “Well, why let your audience in on it, Steve? Just because you deceptively edited 911 audio to make America’s latest Emmanuel Goldstein sound like a racist, that doesn’t mean you should apologize for your stunning ethical breach. Congratulations, you fired somebody. Who you won’t name. You took ‘disciplinary action.’ Which you won’t specify. You assure us that it won’t happen again. Without explaining how it happened in the first place. We’ll just take your word for it, since you’re so trustworthy.”

IN TORNADO SEASON, words save lives. “After the US’s deadly tornadoes in 2011, the National Weather Service (NWS) found that residents waited for visible signs of the threat before responding. New warnings try to conjure those images in words.”

UPDATE: Reader Donald Gately writes: “Could you post another reminder of that service that calls/emails when there is a weather alert? I’ve put off signing up for it, and I want to get that done.” Sure. The info is here.

GENDER INJUSTICE ON CAMPUS: The Notorious “Dear Colleague” Letter in Action. “Since the Student Honor Court retains jurisdiction over all other disciplinary issues, the new UNC policy creates a two-tier system of justice. All other offenses under the honor code require guilt beyond a reasonable doubt; an allegation of sexual assault–even though a far more serious offense than virtually anything else that the honor code addresses–requires only 50.1% proof of guilt, and in a system where the accused student still won’t have the right to a lawyer.”

And people wonder why fewer men are going to college.

UPDATE: Reader Dave Ivers writes: “Of course, the answer is for male students to flood the system with accusations of random female students. Anyone they’ve met or seen in class should be fair game.” The important thing, apparently, is for people to feel safe in making accusations.

REASON TV: What We Saw at the Occupy the Justice Dept. Rally in DC! “ asked protesters what they thought about praise by two of the rally’s organizers, ANSWER Coalition and the Workers World Party, of North Korea, Barack Obama’s terrible drug war record, and whether Cuba’s court and electoral system was more trustworthy than our own.”