Archive for 2012

THE ANCHORESS: Following Martha Coakley with Elizabeth Warren Shows Massachusetts Dems’ Contempt for Voters. “For the second election in a row, Massachusetts Dems have been so sloppily careless about who should fill ‘Ted Kennedy’s seat’ — or they have felt so mindlessly entitled to it — that they have decided to run an overly-insulated inept, elitist, out-of-touch, rhetorically ungifted political hack who cannot speak beyond cliches and slogans and has no interest in courting the blue-collar side of the party.”

THEY TOLD ME IF I VOTED REPUBLICAN THINGS LIKE THIS WOULD HAPPEN — AND THEY WERE RIGHT! Man abandoned in DEA cell steps forward. “An engineering student stepped forward with his lawyer Tuesday to say he was left alone in a federal holding cell for five days with no food or water, apparently forgotten by the federal drug agents who detained him.”

Tar and feathers isn’t enough punishment for something like that.

SO WITH ALL THE TALK ABOUT ELIZABETH WARREN AND AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, a story from nearly 20 years ago. When the Clinton folks were still new in office and filling slots, a friend in the government got a call about me. It went something like this:

“You know Glenn Reynolds, right? Do you think this guy would be interested in a position at NASA or State?”

“I dunno. He just got tenure. I don’t think he’d be interested in anything, especially now that the Space Council has been abolished.”

“That’s too bad. You don’t see a lot of African-Americans with these kinds of credentials in the space area.”


“Well, his resume says he’s the advisor to the Black Law Students Association and coach of the Frederick Douglass Moot Court Team. . . .”

“Yeah, but he’s not black, trust me.”


I never got a call. . . . When my friend Jim Thompson left UT, I took over as BLSA advisor for two years. And I coached the Frederick Douglass team because, well, somebody had to, and I was there. It wasn’t an absurd error on their part to look at my resume and make that assumption, but it was an error nonetheless.

SCIENCE: Nanoparticle Vaccine Could Stop Nicotine from Reaching the Brain. “While nicotine is not a virus, Langer and his colleagues believe it can be targeted in the same way a virus is targeted. Selecta uses synthetic nanoparticles to prompt the immune system into creating specialized antibodies that bind to nicotine molecules, making the nicotine molecules large enough to initiate an immune response. Antibodies instigated by the nanoparticles automatically attach to the surface of the modified nicotine molecule because their shape fits exactly. The resulting supersized nicotine compound is thereby prevented from crossing the blood-brain barrier and delivering the normal smoking kick.”

OBAMA: Yeah, that was a fake girlfriend. Was she Native American?

Plus, from the comments: “Similarly, the dog he ate was a composite too. It wasn’t one dog, it was an amalgam of many breeds, like casserole.”

VIDEO: Occupy Angels. Love the #IAMBREITBART tag at the end.