Archive for 2012

MARY GRABAR: It’s Not The Economy, Stupid. “It’s racial politics. And you don’t beat them by adopting them.”

CHARLES COOKE: Buzzfeed’s Illiterate Insinuation. They keep moving toward ThinkProgress territory. I don’t think they’ll prosper there, unless they’re getting Soros money.

HOW TO DEVISE PASSWORDS THAT DRIVE HACKERS AWAY. I use “nudepicsofHelenThomas,” personally. Nobody wants to be typing that in.

HIGHER EDUCATION BUBBLE UPDATE: Cheating on rankings at George Washington University.

UPDATE: A reader emails: “Shouldn’t the obvious step upon hearing that GW undergraduate rankings were based on false data be an audit of GW’s other rankings? Like its law school ones?” Makes sense. Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

BENGHAZI UPDATE: Were there Libyan “militia prisoners” at the Benghazi CIA annex?

UPDATE: Reader Tom McCobb writes: “The higher the pile of Benghazi cr*p gets, the more I think, ‘Yeah, Obama got re-elected; so did Nixon.'”

And say, does this revelation mean that the Obama Administration was operating one of those dreadful secret foreign CIA prisons?

ANDREW KLAVAN: It’s All Over. Not. “Since Tuesday, I have heard enough conservatives saying, ‘It’s over! We’re through!’ in serious, important-sounding voices to last me the next four years. I don’t care how important you make it sound, it’s whining; any child can do it. I’ll let you know when it’s over by putting you in the ground and throwing six feet of dirt onto your face. Until you get that secret signal, really, pull yourself together.”

See, libertarians are less despondent because (1) conservatives start out gloomier; and (2) we’re much more used to disappointment. Also, we’ve seen real progress in many areas over the last couple of decades.

UPDATE: Looking at this again, I’m reminded of a line from Firefly: “May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.” I aim to misbehave.

FIGHTER PILOTS NOT YET OBSOLETE: Predator Drones Once Shot Back at Jets… But Sucked At It. “There’s very little about their current capabilities — from their speed to their maneuverability to the range of visibility afforded to operators — that encourages operators to arm or employ them for air-to-air engagements in defended airspace.” It’s also likely, of course, that the fighter jocks who run the Air Force aren’t eager to speed the process along.


CAR NEWS: 2014 Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Black Series, Revealed. I’ve seen a few SLS’s on the road and they’re quite handsome cars, especially by comparison to most of Mercedes’ line. Of course, for the price they should be.

BLOG COMMENT OF THE DAY. (Though the day is still young.)

IN THE MAIL: From Joseph H. Badal, Terror Cell.