Archive for December, 2012

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the Insta-Readers out there. May your 2013 be magnificent.

ROD DREHER: It’s Different With Kids. Which is why the country is changing now that fewer and fewer people have them.


JUST WAIT UNTIL OBAMACARE HAS FULLY KICKED IN: Where Have All The Primary Care Doctors Gone? It’s all about incentives: “General practitioners work as many hours as, or more, than their subspecialty colleagues. Yet they have among the lowest reimbursement rates. They also shoulder disproportionate responsibility for the bureaucratic aspects of patient care, spending more time and money obtaining treatment authorization from insurance companies, navigating insurers’ ever changing drug formularies and filling out health and disability forms.” Well, I’m sure the paperwork will improve under ObamaCare, right? . . . .

ROGER KIMBALL: Lefts tend to be dour people with no laughter in their hearts. “Why do they tend to be dour people with no laughter in their hearts? Because they regard life as a zero-sum game. . . . It’s a curious thing. Leftists are supposed to be the caring, sharing part of the political fraternity. In point of historical fact, it is an easy thing to demonstrate that their caring has always been more a rhetorical than an actual strategy and that their sharing has been accomplished overwhelmingly with other people’s goods. That said, however, there is still the fact that Leftists are hailed by their enablers as the non-crabby politicians, the people who come into office promising two things: More and Free. How odd it is, then, that they should also be the folks who harbor an unshakeable belief that the universe is a stingy, scarcity driven machine whose iron law is that if A does well, B must do poorly.”

STAYING INDEPENDENT IN OLD AGE, with a little help. This area seems ripe for a mix of technical and social progress.

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ON HILLARY’S BRAIN: “The illness has kept her out of the public view since Dec. 7, and has started to raise a host of questions as her team keeps typically tightlipped about the details: Where is the clot located? How severe is her condition? How soon will she recover? And, as Democrats are privately if not publicly speculating, how might her illness affect a decision about running for president in 2016? . . . Not that Democrats are willing to talk openly about the political implications of a long illness, choosing to keep any discussions about her condition behind closed doors. Publicly, Democrats reject the notion that a blood clot could hinder her political prospects.”

UPDATE: A reader emails that it’s lucky Hillary is a Democrat. If she were a Republican, we’d be hearing jokes like “Good news: They X-rayed Hillary’s brain and didn’t find anything!”

JAMES TARANTO: Long Walks, Short Piers: The media’s attacks on the Second Amendment–and on the First. “It must be hard living in a country whose very constitution you loathe. Piers Morgan is lucky in that he is a foreign national and has the option to self-deport. Perhaps as a humanitarian gesture Britain’s Parliament could enact a law offering asylum to Americans who attest that they wish to give up on the Constitution. It would also be a way of tweaking the rebellious former colonies, but we doubt anybody would mind.”

CALL THEIR DISTRICT OFFICES: Are Congressional Republicans Getting Ready To Cave On Gun Control? “Any Republicans entertaining ideas of going along with any Democrat ban should realize that they’re being played by the Democrats and the media, again. . . . Republicans should realize that caving in to the Democrats’ ban demand amounts to party suicide. By that point they have have already caved on tax hikes and may have taken part in slashing our national defense. If they also cave on the Second Amendment, what’s left for them to stand on?”

UPDATE: Reader Ray Conatser writes: “I have heard some talk that passage of new gun control would be a good thing for the Republicans, as it would lead to a repeat of the 1994 midterm elections. I am of the mind that it will only cause more voters that should rightly be in the GOP column to disengage. Reference the voters that stayed home instead of voting for Romney. If the Republicans don’t want to spend another 30 years wandering in the desert on a national level, they need to stand for something other than tax cuts. Maybe they could start with individual liberty and protecting the rights of law abiding Americans.” Yes, it would be a good way to jumpstart a third party, which might be the end of the GOP.

ANOTHER UPDATE: On, 1994, a reader emails: “What happened in 1994? The voters *punished those who had voted against gun rights*. So if the House votes against gun rights, what can we expect to happen? I mean, really, what are these people thinking?”

MORE: Another reader writes:

The Republicans need to understand if they allow something like a mag ban (or worse) to come to a vote, they are dead as a party. This will either make the Tea Party a real third party or cause massive defection to the Libertarian Party.

We know they control the Judicary Committee and they can easily keep anything of this nature bottled-up indefinitely. IN FACT, WE EXPECT THEM TO DO EXACTLY THAT!!! Protecting the Second Amendment is all they have to distinguish themselves right now and if they throw it away, they will pay a terrible price for that disloyalty.

I agree. With control of the House they can’t do a lot to score, but they can be the goalie. If not, what’s the point?