Archive for May, 2012

DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY. AND SEXIST. “Research indicates that the endorsement of sexist ideology is linked to higher subjective wellbeing for both men and women.” Does the abbreviation for Benevolent Sexism telegraph the authors’ feelings about this finding?

FASTER, PLEASE: Pill Could Reverse Effects of a Stroke Long After It Hits. “For the 800,000 people in the United States who suffer a stroke each year, the window for drug therapy closes in the first few hours after the attack. That leaves some seven million stroke survivors in this country alone with no medical alternative beyond physical therapy. A small pharmaceutical company in New York hopes to change that with a drug that may help patients regain some of their lost mobility six months or more after a stroke.”

POINTS AND FIGURES: The Corzine Rule. “It’s amazing that this epic financial scandal gets no consistent main stream media coverage. Over a billion was stolen. Corzine is in Madoff territory.”

HANDS OFF MY INTERNET: Lawmakers introduce measure to fight UN regulation of the Net. “A bipartisan group of lawmakers on the House Energy and Commerce Committee introduced a resolution on Wednesday urging the Obama administration to oppose efforts to give the United Nations more control over the Internet. Proposals to give the UN’s International Telecommunication Union (ITU) more control over the governance of the Internet could come up at a conference in Dubai in December. The move is backed by China, Russia, Brazil, India and other UN members, but is opposed by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, as well as the Obama administration.”

INSTAVISION: I talk with Prof. Brian Tamanaha about his new book, Failing Law Schools, about the deflating of the law school bubble, and about what students, prospective students, and faculties should do.

HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): Jobless claims rise for 4th straight week.

Related: Economy in U.S. Expanded Less Than Previously Estimated. “Gross domestic product climbed at a 1.9 percent annual rate from January through March, down from a 2.2 percent prior estimate, revised Commerce Department figures showed today in Washington. The report also showed corporate profits rose at the slowest pace in more than three years and smaller wage gains at the end of 2011.”

UPDATE: A longtime reader emails:

Please do not use my name, but…

I work at a large semiconductor company who does a LOT of business with Chinese firms (odds are many is not most of the electronic devices you have that say “made in China” on it buys it’s most expensive parts from us). recently orders have dropped precipitously. We are expecting to reduce the workforce before the end of the quarter by dropping contractor (temp) labor. We are entering what for the semiconductor industry is the Christmas sales season and the orders are going DOWN! Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Oh, I am.

LIVEBLOGGING THE NATIONAL SPELLING BEE, at Throwing Things. And this is a good time for me to plug the documentary Spellbound again.