Archive for March, 2012

MORE ATTACKS ON JEWS IN FRANCE, leading the New York Times to worry about . . . a rise in anti-Muslim sentiment.

WELL, TO BE FAIR, IF HE HAD A SON IT WOULDN’T LOOK LIKE THEM: The parents of two British students murdered in Florida have criticised President Barack Obama for his lack of compassion over their sons’ deaths.

“We would like to publicly express our dissatisfaction at the lack of any public or private message of support or condolence from any American governing body or indeed, President Obama himself.

“Mr Kouzaris has written to President Obama on three separate occasions and is yet to even receive the courtesy of a reply.

“It would perhaps appear that Mr Obama sees no political value in facilitating such a request or that the lives of two British tourists are not worthy of ten minutes of his time.”

The rebuke follows Mr Obama’s personal intervention into the shooting in Florida of a young black teenager by a white-Hispanic neighbourhood watch captain.

He’s a divider, not a uniter.

A COUPLE OF DAYS AGO, I plugged reader Lloyd Tackett’s post-EMP disaster novel, A Distant Eden, and although I haven’t gotten around to reading it in my largely nonexistent spare time lately, it produced this praise from reader Doug Strunk:

Glenn, since I ditched my cable TV last week I’ve been reading lots. I started Hunger Games night before last … then I saw your link to Tackett’s new e-book. I read the preview from their site and bought it immediately. As soon as I got home from work, I began in earnest. Wife finally made me put it down around 2am. Overslept and had to work late to catch up… but tonight I’m probably going to finish it in a few hours. Very fast read.

The book’s prologue gives all the valid warning you need. It’s not the typical story telling arc of character development. When the Apocalypse happens, there’s no time for a learning curve. I hope to never find out, but in that world if you’re not in survival mode you’re dead quick. The author makes that point early and often throughout the book. I’ll be giving the book very high review stars on Amazon.

Tell Tackett he better be writing the next one already…

You heard him, Lloyd.

SO WHERE IS EVERYBODY? 10 Billion Earth-Like Planets May Exist in Our Galaxy.

About 40 percent of red dwarf stars may have Earth-sized planets orbiting them that have the right conditions for life.

Red dwarfs – which are smaller and cooler than our sun – are extremely common, making up 80 percent of stars in the galaxy. Their ubiquity suggests that there are tens of billions of possible places to look for life beyond Earth, with at least 100 such planets located nearby.

The new estimate comes from a team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s HARPS planet-hunting telescope to look at a sample of 102 nearby red dwarfs over a six-year period. The telescope checked for a characteristic wobble from the star, indicating that at least one planet was tugging on it while orbiting around.

We need interstellar travel. Faster, please!

21ST CENTURY RELATIONSHIPS: Mom Decides Parenting is Not for Her and Leaves. “This morning’s TODAY Show featured a segment on a woman who chose to leave her husband and two young sons (ages 3 and 5 at the time) while on an extended research trip to Japan because she realized she didn’t want to be a mom anymore leaves my chest tight and my gut aching.” A woman who does this is a heroine of feminism. A man who does this is a louse.


THREE MEN and a moonbox.

SARAH HOYT: Circles In Thinking. “Yes, I have a vagina. I checked this morning. It was still there. . . . Leaving all that aside why would you presume I have more in common with a single woman working in a factory somewhere in the Midwest than with a married man with sons who writes articles for a living a hundred miles away? What earthly sense does that make?”

CONN CARROLL: Breyer’s unhinged Commerce Clause ramblings. I was really hoping that one of the four lefty Justices would manage to overcome prejudice and blind party loyalty in this case. Doesn’t look like it’ll be Breyer if it happens.