Archive for 2011

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON ON THE OBAMA RULE: “As we saw with the Representative Giffords shooting, we now know the Obama Rule: Anytime the president sermonizes about civility and the need to curb partisan rhetoric, this is a telltale sign that in a few days a savage partisan attack will surely follow.”

IS THE #OCCUPYWALLSTREET MOVEMENT POTENTIALLY VIOLENT? “One recalls the violence that has been associated with some of the far left’s economic protests: Toronto 2010 G8/G20 meeting; Seattle 1999 WTO; Vancouver 2010 Olympics; London 2009 G20; Rome 2001 G8. One reflects that many of these OWSers seem to embrace a 60s nostalgia. One ponders 60s groups like the Weather Underground (and Obama buddy Bill Ayers). And one wonders.”

THE HILL: House GOP demands White House release Obama’s emails on Solyndra. “House Republicans are pushing forward with their request for all internal White House communications related to the now-bankrupt solar firm Solyndra, including President Obama’s emails.”

Stonewall ain’t just a gay bar in the Village.

CULTURE OF CORRUPTION: Report: Fed directors benefited from bailouts. “Multiple directors or former directors of the Federal Reserve banks who played a key role in the 2008 bailouts had an apparent conflict of interest, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report. These directors had business relationships with companies and banks that received large infusions of government money.”

Of course, when you’re bailing out most everyone in the business, most everyone in the business will have a bailout-related conflict.

PRESIDENT GOLDMAN SACHS: Obama Has More Cash From Wall Street Than All GOP Hopefuls Combined. “Obama has brought in more money from employees of banks, hedge funds and other financial service companies than all of the GOP candidates combined, according to a Washington Post analysis of contribution data.”

HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? (CONT’D): Gloom Grips Consumers. “There are good reasons for gloom — incomes have declined, many people cannot find jobs, few trust the government to make things better — but as Federal Reserve chairman, Ben S. Bernanke, noted earlier this year, those problems are not sufficient to explain the depth of the funk. That has led a growing number of economists to argue that the collapse of housing prices, a defining feature of this downturn, is also a critical and underappreciated impediment to recovery. Americans have lost a vast amount of wealth, and they have lost faith in housing as an investment. They lack money, and they lack the confidence that they will have more money tomorrow.”

MESSAGE TO NICK KRISTOF: Boehner would pull out a gun and make a rug. As would many millions of other Americans.

That you think the only solution is to call the authorities on the phone says everything about your worldview, and disconnect with non-Sulzbergerian America. (Bumped).

GREEN FAIL (CONT’D): EU Leak Shows Wind, Solar Energy to Double Power Bills. “This will not make Europeans happy, and it is unlikely that American consumers will be lining up for a 100% electricity hike anytime soon. Those prices are also not going to help manufacturers stay competitive, and they are not going to boost the prospects of the electric car industry. But Europeans and Americans have money to burn compared to people in other parts of the world. India and China are not going to commit to this kind of cost structure; if the EU study is accurate it means that the developing world will never sign up to the ambitious energy targets northern greens want — and that means that no matter how high we jack up electricity prices in Europe and North America, carbon control efforts are doomed.”

Nice clean nukes, that’s what we need. No carbon emissions there. I can’t imagine why the Greens aren’t behind them 100%. I thought we had a carbon crisis.

FRED SIEGEL: Occupy Wall Street And The Return Of The McGovernites. “The radicals of the 1960s deployed their justified opposition to the Vietnam War to blind themselves to the consequences and meaning of statism and Stalinism. Their aggressively willed ignorance produced the 1972 McGovern platform which re-wrote the traditional program of the European socialist parties in the American language of rights. Employment, educational quality, and housing were to become matters of right subject to the power of judicially supervised bureaucracies. Since then the distinction between liberalism and anti-capitalist radicalism has been continuously effaced by the rise of a vast regulatory state staffed, in part, by public sector unionists. . . . The supposedly anti-authoritarian 68ers helped create a more cumbersome and bureaucratic government in the name of protecting newly minted rights. That affinity is being recreated in Zuccotti Park. It’s not just that the Occupy Wall Streeters are filled with hopes of recreating the spirit of the 60s. It’s that they are literally recreating the follies of the 60s in miniature.”

ROGER SIMON: A Letter to the Republican Presidential Candidates from a Former Democrat. “Everybody’s got an ego, everybody wants to win, but if you have to achieve that by cutting down the other guy, maybe you don’t deserve to lead, not these days anyway. Things are too extreme, the stakes too high. We need someone who can rise above it. Maybe even smile. . . . You all have a real opponent. His name is Barack Obama and at that Vegas event he was barely mentioned. To most Republican voters these days his political demise is way more important than the identity of his successor. The war cry is ABO – Anybody But Obama – and it should be. So ix-nay on the itriol-vay, even though we all know the media conspire to increase it.” (Bumped).