Archive for 2011


President Obama’s been taking a lot of flak lately for not having a plan. First it was about Libya, but now — even more importantly because, as we know, all politics is local (until it’s not) — about the budget.

The latest White House porte-parole Jay Carney has consequently been taking all kinds of in-coming himself about “where’s the President’s budget plan,” “why doesn’t he have a plan,” etc.

Well, the reason for the latter is simple: because he can’t. The minute the president evinces a budget plan, the game is up. No liberal budget will stand up to scrutiny. There is no money left for deficit spending in our aging society. The welfare state is kaput. It’s gone — probably for generations to come.

Of course, there’s always that canard about taxing the rich. That will save things. But the truth is even if you tax the rich at 100%, it barely sets back our entitlement crisis a year or two, while virtually bankrupting the few job creators who remain.

So no wonder Obama doesn’t have a plan. What would it be?

Better to keep ’em guessing.

SO WHERE’S YOUR BUDGET THEN, FOLKS? All 53 Senate Dems sign letter to Boehner: Your bill will never pass. “So that’s how this story ends. With the party of endless spending and entitlements unto death lecturing fiscal conservatives on how they’re leading the country into a credit downgrade. Perfecto.”

Related: Democrats see wiggle room on Obama’s Aug. 2 debt-limit deadline. “The Aug. 2 deadline for raising the nation’s debt ceiling might not be as rigid a cutoff date as the administration has been saying, according to some senior Senate Democrats.”

POPPING THE PUBLIC-PENSION BUBBLE. “Public-employee unions underestimate the magnitude of California’s unfunded retirement liability.”

FASTER, PLEASE: Long-term, universal flu shot on horizon. “A universal flu vaccine that protects against all strains may be within reach in the next five years, replacing annual shots developed for specifics flu viruses, the chief of the National Institutes of Health predicts.”

CHANGE: Michael Barone: Under Obama, Millenials Move Into The GOP Column. “The intended purpose of legislation like the stimulus package and Obamacare was to improve the situations of those least able to take care of themselves — the young, the less educated, the low-skilled. But it is just such groups that, the Pew Research Center numbers show, have been moving away from the president’s party. An instructive achievement, no?”

BANK OF AMERICA HAS SO MANY FORECLOSED HOMES, it’s resorting to bulldozing. And is it just me, or does this sound vaguely Atlas Shrug-ish?

“There is way too much supply,” said Gus Frangos, president of the Cleveland-based Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corp., which works with lenders, government officials and homeowners to salvage vacant homes. “The best thing we can do to stabilize the market is to get the garbage off.” . . . The lender will pay as much as $7,500 for demolition or $3,500 in areas eligible to receive funds through the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program. Uses for the land include development, open space and urban farming, according to the statement. Simon declined to say how many foreclosed properties Bank of America holds.

Urban farming. They had that in Rome in 500 A.D., didn’t they?

JERRY POURNELLE: The Dance Keeps Going On And We Are Being Played. “There is a way out. It starts with cuts in Entitlements. Begin this way: from this moment, you are entitled to only 99% of what you were previously entitled to. That includes Social Security, Welfare, your pension, Medicare. Meanwhile all government salaries and benefits are reduced by 1%. Once again, these are real cuts.”