Archive for 2011

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ALL WE NEED IS FREEDOM: “The headline is that Khadaffi is dead, ignominiously shot down while pleading for his life. So far as I know they didn’t take the body out and hang it upside down in a public square, but much of this is reminiscent of the death of Benito Mussolini – who was, oddly enough, the founder of the nation of Libya.”

ROBERT FARAGO: ATF Death Watch 107: How Many Guns? “The funny thing about all this ‘how many guns did the FBI recover’ skirmish is that Fast and Furious unleashed at least 2000 weapons during its ten-month tenure. What’s a gun or three here and there compared to this “iron river” of weapons walked across the border to the Sinaloans with Uncle Sam’s blessing?”

SWIRLING DOWN THE DRAIN: 9th Circuit Rejects Righthaven’s Emergency Stay Appeal. “Righthaven requested the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals issue an emergency stay on an attempt by its creditors to execute judgment for the money Righthaven owes them. This was probably Righthaven’s last chance to avoid being forced into bankruptcy. According to Steven Green at Vegas Inc., the emergency stay motion was denied.”

FROM HOPE-AND-CHANGE TO RAPE-AND-CHANGE? Occupy Baltimore to sex assault victims: We support you in reporting the abuse, but we don’t encourage the involvement of police in our community. “The news here isn’t really that they’d rather have a ‘Security Committee’ deal with alleged rapists than the local P.D. The whole point of starting a utopian commune is that it’s as insular as possible. No, the news here is that there’s apparently enough of a problem that they felt obliged to publish a pamphlet dealing with the subject at all. I confess, I haven’t been to any tea-party rallies so you’ll have to tell me: Are there a lot of ‘here’s what to do if you’re raped today’ fliers circulating at those too?”

This seems to be a problem a lot of places, not just Baltimore. It’s almost as if they’re attracting a different sort of people than the Tea Parties do.

UPDATE: #OccupyOakland Devolves Into “Lord of the Flies.”

HOW BEDBUGS FIGHT OFF TODAY’S INSECTICIDES. If only Nurse Bloomberg would give the bedbug problem as much attention as he pays to transfats.

MICKEY KAUS: Dumbest Daily Beast Yet:

Tina Brown’s youthful webworkers, trying to come up with a feature riffing off the Republican debate, have produced a slideshow of “anchor babies.” The only problem is that, embarrassingly, they missed the part in the definition of an “anchor baby” (including the one they themselves cite) where it notes that an “anchor baby” is the child of illegal immigrants born on American soil (the idea being that having an American citizen child anchors the entire otherwise-illegal family by insulating them from deportation).

Is even one of the celebrities offered by Daily Beast as “anchor babies” an anchor baby? I doubt it. If Gov. Nikki Haley’s immigrant parents or Colin Powell’s immigrant parents were illegals, I think we would know by now. . . .

P.S.: Note that this is the classic insulated New York liberal mistake: Assuming those Republicans out there in the rest of America–the ones who rail against anchor babies, etc.–are so crazy and dumb we can mock them without even thinking.

“Without thinking” being the operative part here.

WAIT, I THOUGHT CHAIN RESTAURANTS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE VULGAR AND BAD: But now their decline is bad. “It’s amazing to consider that, at least until the last couple of years, chain restaurants were considered by many foodies as the ultimate sign of American crassness and philistinism, the peppy, processed hell to which urban dwellers were exiled when they moved to the suburbs. In reality, they were one of America’s greatest achievements. They were places where any American could go to have a nice dining experience, with genial servers and attractive, relatively high-quality food, in big portions. And, best of all, patrons didn’t need to wait to go there on Friday night, or for a special occasion; miracle of miracles, they could go there on a Tuesday night, just because. More important, these restaurants provided decent jobs to thousands of Americans. But no more.”

A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to enforce the protections of Mens Rea? I say just give every citizen the same “good faith immunity” we extend to law enforcement . . .

THE FISKER KARMA: Solyndra On Wheels? “Our tax dollars at work… a half-billion dollar loan (actually $529 million) from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a hybrid toy for the wealthy and/or celebri-licious (like Leonardo DiCaprio, one of the first customers) that, in real world driving, won’t get much better mileage than your average crossover utility vehicle. Not only that, but the cars are manufactured in Finland — that’s right, Finland – and shipped here for sale, where their purchasers will then receive a $7,500 tax credit for buying one . . . . Oh, and by the way, it just so happens that several major investors in the company are also major donors to the Democratic Party. Can you say, ‘crony capitalism?'”

At least it’s really good looking.

MARGERY EAGAN IS SICK OF PINK: “We’re just halfway through Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and I’m already pinked out. Pink ribbons, and just plain pink, are everywhere. Pink KitchenAid blenders. Pink all over the Dallas Cowboys stadium and its players last weekend.”

Well, I think the pink Taser is kinda cute.

GUNS AND LOW-CUT BLOUSES don’t mix: “A Bristol police officer was shot by his girlfriend at an indoor shooting range in Piney Flats on Monday, and the Sullivan County Sheriff’s Office is investigating whether the shooting was caused by ‘hot brass’ falling down the woman’s shirt.” (Via SayUncle).