Archive for 2011

BEWARE THE BEARS. Make ’em into rugs, as an example to the others.

CAN DRIVERLESS POD CARS solve the “last mile” problem? I dunno, but you’re gonna need a better name than “pod cars,” which sounds like transportation for “pod people.”

HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? Thousands Camp Out for Job Fair as Jobless Rate Rises. “Thousands of unemployed waited overnight, camping out in their business suits and office heels and braving the tormenting heat in Atlanta to stand in line for a job fair Thursday. Authorities treated 20 people for heat exhaustion as they struggled to keep the line moving and get people moved inside. . . . The immense crowd at the two-day fair is another unneeded reminder of the dire state of the American economy.”

UPDATE: Reader Mark Whitson writes: “Did they at least get coffee and doughnuts?”

WEST MEMPHIS THREE UPDATE: “The West Memphis Three, a group of men convicted of killing three 8-year-old Cub Scouts and dumping their bodies in an Arkansas ditch changed their pleas Friday, resolving a year-long effort to win their freedom. Damien Echols, Jessie Misskelley and Jason Baldwin agreed to a legal maneuver that lets them maintain their innocence while acknowledging prosecutors likely have enough evidence to convict them. They were freed immediately after the plea.”

CARS, SEX, POLICY, and your money. Stimulus!

WHO IS BEHIND THE U.S “DAY OF RAGE” AGAINST WALL STREET? The usual suspects. But if they’re not burning Barack Obama and Tim Geithner in effigy, then they’re not really angry at Wall Street and its tools, they’re just putting on a show.


IMAGINING the No-Frills Law School. “I present a model of an ABA-accredited, university-based private law school covering all its costs at the $20,000-per-year tuition level. . . . So here are some questions about the 1957 Law School. Do the economics work? Would you send your kid to this school? More generally, is the model attractive to a sufficient number of qualified students who are likely to pass the bar so that 1957 Law School could attract a class? As a competitive matter, is the price sufficiently low, considering the discounting practices of competitors? Would enough potential employers give the 1957 Law School students a chance?”

As I noted at my SEALS panel on the future of legal education, the Kingsfield approach has the advantage of being very cheap.

FROM LINGERIE MODEL to NASCAR driver. Well, either way you have a lot of male fans.