Archive for 2011


IN CHINA, a “Jasmine Revolution?” “We want food, we want work, we want housing, we want fairness.”

JOE WEISENTHAL: The Two Reasons Muni Investors Should Be Terrified By What’s Going On In Wisconsin. “The first is that nobody had Wisconsin on its list of big states to worry about going into the new year. That’s not to say Wisconsin is going to blow up, but it does suggest that things can and do come out of nowhere all the time. You know, black swans and stuff. The other reason it’s worrisome is that it shows just how far the Democratic party will go to the mat for public employee unions, and how hard it might be to cut costs. A bull case for munis has centered on the idea that there’s plenty of room to cut expenses, before having to default on debt. But if this debate is ripping apart a state like Wisconsin, then it should make you question that assumption.”

ROTC UPDATE: Wounded Iraq Vet Jeered At Columbia. So much for that “new civility” crap. (Via Dana Pico).

I note that this is also more evidence that “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” was just a lame excuse to cover for generic hostility to the military, something made clear by numerous speakers at the event including some Columbia faculty. I also note that in these days of constrained budgets and an angry, aware electorate, heavily subsidized sectors like higher education — and Columbia, despite its private nature, is itself heavily dependent on government subsidies — should think twice about appearing anti-American. It’s not the 1960s anymore.

OHIO DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATOR ROBERT HAGAN calls black Tea Party supporter “Buckwheat.” But he says the remark wasn’t racist.

UPDATE: Reader Laurence Louden writes: “Buckwheat? Macaca? It’s only a story if the media says it’s a story.” I think it’s a story.

Meanwhile, reader Thomas Spaulding writes:

I suggest we test his claim out. Let’s have Hagan take a midnight stroll down the streets of fair Cincy and Cleveland and call all of the Black people he meets “Buckwheat”. Let him explain in between beatings that he’s been using that phrase “since he was a kid” and that it “has no racial connotation to him”.

Well, I’m certainly up for it. Meanwhile, the NAACP thinks “Buckwheat” is a racial slur.


GOOD NEWS: Firefly coming back to cable. In HD and with the episodes in the correct order. When I first saw this, I thought it meant the series was being revived, though alas not. But Nathan Fillion says he’d play Capt. Mal again if he got the chance.