Archive for 2011

HISTORY: The story behind the world’s oldest museum, built by a Babylonian princess 2,500 years ago. “It’s easy to forget that ancient peoples also studied history – Babylonians who lived 2,500 years ago were able to look back on millennia of previous human experience. That’s part of what makes the museum of Princess Ennigaldi so remarkable. Her collection contained wonders and artifacts as ancient to her as the fall of the Roman Empire is to us. But it’s also a grim symbol of a dying civilization consumed by its own vast history.”


Even for the Obama administration, today’s news dump ($1.3 trillion deficit, the demise of the CLASS Act, and war in Uganda) is something to behold. On top of everything, the White House has released its list of major campaign bundlers for the third quarter of the year.

One name in particular warrants a mention.

Steve Spinner, who served as a Obama fundraiser in 2008, was also an adviser for the Department of Energy loans program responsible for the Solyndra debacle. As it turns out, he was also married to a partner at the law firm representing Solyndra during its loan application.

But despite signing an ethics agreement in which he pledged not to involve himself in any negotiations regarding the Solyndra loan, a series of e-mails reveal that Spinner was rather intimately involved in the negotiations and was advocating on behalf of the company.

Remember when the Dems were all about how they were going to change the “culture of corruption?” Well, they did change it. They made it worse.

JESSE JACKSON, JR.: Crackpot, Or Harbinger? “Although Jackson’s idea of basically sending checks to individuals, states, and cities is interesting, the most notable aspect of Jackson’s proposal is the underlying notion that the federal government can simply create the money to employ everyone and everything by printing it. Only moderately more fascinating is his theory that the president has some overarching authority against which neither the states nor Congress can ‘rebel.’ Both notions are two sides of the same coin. . . . Jackson and Occupy have articulated the antithesis of the Tea Party call to end big government. In the Occupy and Jackson world, the crisis now justifies extraordinary government measures to enforce ‘fairness’ and mandate employment by any means necessary.”

MARK STEYN: This is your grandparents’ revolution. “Beneath the allegedly young idealism are very cobwebbed assumptions about societal permanence. The agitators for ‘American Autumn’ think that such demands are reasonable for no other reason than that they happen to have been born in America, and expectations that no other society in human history has ever expected are just part of their birthright. But a society can live on the accumulated capital of a glorious inheritance only for so long. And, in that sense, this bloodless, insipid revolution is just a somewhat smellier front for the sclerotic status quo. . . . It would be heartening if more presidential candidates understood the urgency. But there is a strange lack of boldness in most of their proposals. They, too, seem victims of that 1950 moment, and assumptions of its permanence.”

UPDATE: Mike Stopa: Passion, but no point. Here’s a pic of what he’s talking about.

ANOTHER UPDATE: This doesn’t sound good.

HOW THEY DO THINGS IN ILLINOIS: Oops! Clerk sends newspaper request to fix ticket.

A records clerk for an Illinois sheriff’s office admits she goofed when she mistakenly faxed a request to have a deputy’s son’s speeding ticket fixed to the local newspaper.

Joann Reed tried to use a St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department fax machine to send a copy of the ticket issued by Centreville police to that village’s attorney, only to accidentally fire off the fax to the Belleville News-Democrat ( newsroom.

“Dismiss this case,” read a handwritten note accompanying the three-page message signed by Reed. “The guy is the son of one of our deputies.”

Ah, professional courtesy. But read the whole thing for the rest of the story . . . .

DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA: Sharpton: “If you won’t get the jobs bill done in the suite, we will get the jobs bill done in the street!”

Up yours, Al, you pathetic Jew-hating demagogue. And together with the anti-semitism we’ve seen elsewhere, this kind of talk is making me ready to call for a temporary suspension of Godwin’s Law. But beware of other legal issues.

Related: Nazis and Communists Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movements.

Also: Video: Occupy Portland Protesters Sing…”F*ck the USA”.

And: Obama Campaign Seeks To Capitalize On Anti-Wall Street Anger. President Goldman Sachs thinks the protesters will be useful. So what does that make them?

And where’s ThinkProgress?

UPDATE: Reader Antoinette Aubert writes: “The problem with calling everyone you disagree with a Nazi is that it makes the term meaningless. On the other hand when a group of people blame all the world’s problems on a small Jewish cabal and yell for all the Jews to get out of the country, well that IS the meaning of Nazi.”

Close enough for government work, anyway.

YA THINK? In Private, Bankers Dismiss Protesters As Unsophisticated.

“Who do you think pays the taxes?” said one longtime money manager. “Financial services are one of the last things we do in this country and do it well. Let’s embrace it. If you want to keep having jobs outsourced, keep attacking financial services. This is just disgruntled people.”

He added that he was disappointed that members of Congress from New York, especially Senator Charles E. Schumer and Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, had not come out swinging for an industry that donates heavily to their campaigns. “They need to understand who their constituency is,” he said.

Generally, bankers dismiss the protesters as gullible and unsophisticated. Not many are willing to say this out loud, for fear of drawing public ire — or the masses to their doorsteps. “Anybody who dismisses them publicly is putting a bull’s-eye on their back,” the hedge fund manager said.

I’m dismissing them publicly. They’re tools of President Goldman Sachs. The bankers have much to answer for, but these people aren’t even smart enough to ask the questions. And if I were the Wall Streeters, I’d be negotiating a move to Dallas, as rumor has it they’re considering.


Related: Big media outlets ignore subpoena of entire top tier of Obama Administration. (Via Ed Driscoll, who comments, “Say, it’s a good thing the media has Occupy Wall Street to focus on right now to deflect attention not just from this story, but from all of the other high-speed Obamacontinental train wrecks crashing into each other right now, isn’t it?”).