Archive for 2011

A BLOG REPORT FROM RICK PERRY’S SPEECH IN NEW HAMPSHIRE: “I attended that event, stood about 15 feet from where he delivered those remarks and never heard an ‘angry shout’. Either the AP is making it up or it wasn’t much of a shout. Perhaps they can supply the audio.”

Maybe it was a reporter in the back who was doing the shouting. But after the 2004 bogus-boos incident, I encourage bloggers and others attending these events to record audio and video. You never know what’ll happen — or what people will report happened, even if it didn’t.

DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONSULTANTS GOING AFTER NETANYAHU IN ISRAEL? Report: ‘Clinton Adviser Greenberg is Behind Israeli Protests.’ “According to an investigative report by Maariv’s Kalman Libeskind, the protests were engineered by a group of media strategists who are directed by prominent Democratic strategist Stanley Greenberg, a former adviser to Bill Clinton, John Kerry and others. Greenberg directed the strategists to create a protest that was not led by one specific group, in order to create social ferment. An unnamed left-wing leader would eventually step into this ferment and take the reins, Greenberg predicted. The Israeli strategists reportedly include Boaz Gaon, Moshe Gaon and Eldad Yaniv, who worked in Ehud Barak’s successful race for Prime Minister in 1999, also in cooperation with Greenberg.”

PAUL HSIEH ON salvation by iPad:

I’ve been a happy iPad2 owner since March 2011, but I never fully appreciated its value until I recently broke my hip in a bad fall and required subsequent hospitalization.

I am a physician, so I had already been using my iPad for my work, reading PDFs of medical articles, communicating with my colleagues via e-mail, etc. But when I broke my hip in an accident a few days ago, the iPad became my lifeline to the outside world:

Because I had my iPad with me at the time of the accident, I was able to immediately notify my friends and family of what had happened once I arrived in the ER. . . . I did briefly leave my iPad with my wife during the surgery itself, but she gave it back to me immediately after the surgery. Other than that, it did not leave my side while in the hospital.

While in the hospital after my surgery, I used the iPad to read eBooks, check my e-mail, surf the internet, and keep up my regular blogging. It was a real morale booster to be able to continue as much of my regular online routine as possible, despite my impaired physical condition.

I had some related posts here and here.

MICHAEL BARONE: Obama Speech Fiasco Shows “Audacity Of Weakness.”

I can’t remember a more stunning rebuke of a president by a congressional leader than Speaker John Boehner’s refusal to agree to Barack Obama’s demand — er, request — that he summon a joint session of Congress to hear the president’s latest speech on the economy at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 7.

Obama’s request was regarded as a clever move by some wise guys in the left blogosphere since that was the exact time of a long-scheduled Republican presidential candidate debate at the Reagan Library. Take that, you guys!

But Boehner smoothly responded that, with Congress reconvening late that afternoon, the security sweep necessary for a presidential visit would be impossible, and invited the president to speak on Thursday. White House officials quickly agreed, scheduling the speech at 7 p.m. Eastern to avoid overlap with the first game of the National Football League season.

Not such a big deal, some people are saying. I disagree. I think it illustrates several of the weaknesses of this presidency.

Which Barone then spells out.

UPDATE: A reader emails:

If Obama is angry that Congress didn’t defer to him, isn’t it a problem of his own making? He’s established a pattern of deferring to Congress. First, he deferred to Congress to come up with his $1 trillion stimulus package. Then he outsourced Obamacare to Congress. Lastly, he fiddled while Congress came up on the debt ceiling “crisis” without him. Why would he now expect Congress to answer his beck and call? His entire presidency has been devoted to the notion that we are in another “Gilded Age” where Congress is the predominant federal power, coupled with a weak executive.

Interesting point.

UNEMPLOYMENT AND THE WORKFORCE: Workers Giving Up Hope Keep Obama’s Re-Election Hopes Alive. “Workers giving up hope, thereby keeping the unemployment rate artificially low, is keeping Obama’s reelection hopes alive. If the headlines screamed that unemployment was 11.4%, even I might begin to believe.”

MARK STEYN: A Tale Of Two Declines: Even if the economy were to fix itself overnight, we’d still face sincere cultural challenges. “So think of our culture as one almighty muffin shot, with America as a giant navel filled with the cheap tequila of our rising debt and#… #no, wait, this metaphor’s getting way out of hand. . . . If there is a common theme in the various rubble of cultural ruin, it’s the urge to enter adolescence ever earlier and leave it later and later, if at all.”

CAYMAN ISLANDS UPDATE: U.S. Government Warns Citizens of Cayman Crime.

Related: Casanova Restaurant Hit By Robbers. This is pretty shocking, actually. I’ve been going there since the mid-80s and there’s no question that crime — once almost nonexistent — is worse. The Islands’ strict gun-control policy doesn’t seem to be keeping guns out of the hands of the criminal element, either, which should come as no surprise, of course. . . .

THE UNTAPPED POWER OF “EROTIC CAPITAL?” “Being attractive and likeable are key assets in the workplace—and not just for the beautiful few.”