Archive for 2011

FURIOUSLY UNRAVELING: The ATF’s Fast and Furious Gunrunning Scandal Keeps Getting Worse.

Hardly a week passes now without some revelation about the Obama administration’s complicity in what may yet turn out to be one of the worst and most lethal scandals in American history: Operation Fast and Furious.

In a classic Friday document dump — a sure sign of an administration with something to hide — the feds released to congressional investigators a month’s worth of e-mail correspondence in the summer of 2010 between Bill Newell, then head ATF agent in Phoenix, and his friend Kevin O’Reilly, a former White House national-security staffer for North American affairs.

What do you know? Among the e-mails was a photograph of a powerful Barrett .50-caliber rifle that had been illegally purchased in Tucson and recovered in Sonora, Mexico, raising the possibility of a second “gunwalking” program, this one called “Wide Receiver.”

Like Fast and Furious, the ATF-supervised scheme that saw thousands of weapons “walk” across the Mexican border for reasons no one in the Justice Department has yet satisfactorily explained, Wide Receiver was apparently a joint operation that also included the Drug Enforcement Administration, the FBI, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the IRS and the US Attorney’s office.

It’s likely there have been others, in such states as Florida and Indiana.

This calls for a special prosecutor. The Justice Department has already demonstrated that it’s too politicized to be trusted with an investigation like this.

PETER INGEMI: The Epic Fail Of The Wall Street Protests. If they reminded at least some people of how this Administration has talked anti-Wall Street talk while happily circulating money between the federal government, Wall Streeters, and Democratic campaign donations they weren’t a complete failure.

DON SURBER: IT AIN’T A TEA PARTY. “I do not recall any Tea Party person being arrested. Van Jones has called it American Fall. I think that is his goal: America falls.”

JOHN PODHORETZ: It’s always Morning in America in Obama’s Hollywood. “We are either in the third or fourth year of the great economic crisis, and Hollywood’s response has been, quite simply, to act as if there isn’t one.”

And after filling Bush’s second term with antiwar movies, they’ve stopped making those, too, even as the war continues unabated.