Archive for 2011


But, in general, the visions of innovation offered up by panelists—more online learning, greater engagement with public schools, new forms of financial aid—were far from revolutionary and frequently short on specifics. During Thursday night’s keynote talk, the panelists, all academic heavy hitters, were pressed by a questioner from the audience to give one example of transformative change they would like to see enacted. Most of the panelists demurred, with Mr. Bharucha finally volunteering, “More vibrant, multidisciplinary projects for students and faculty.”

If speakers were short on prescriptions for change, they were long on the diagnoses of what ails higher education, from unprepared students to public officials preoccupied with standardized testing.

The bursting higher education bubble will lead to change, but disruptive change seldom comes from within.

HEY, IT’S NOT LIKE IT’S COLLEGE FOOTBALL OR SOMETHING: New York Times silent on Hollywood pedophilia charges. The football stuff is news. Covering the Hollywood stories, on the other hand, would just give comfort to class enemies. We can’t have that.

UH OH: Volt Woes Spread To Europe, Affect Ampera. ”We are not currently delivering the cars to customers while we set up the process to deal with these highly charged batteries to make sure they are safe.”


Not a day goes by when George W. Bush’s deregulation is not blamed for the financial crisis, and yet he hired 90,000 net new regulators, passed the largest Wall Street reform since the Depression, and increased fiscally significant regulations by more than any president since Richard Nixon. We are told by New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and his friends in The Nation that the country is being ruled by a ruthless “austerity class,” yet federal spending has continued to increase even after the summer’s debt-ceiling agreement. The Occupy Wall Street movement and the (mostly Democratic) politicians who support it have shifted the national conversation to the “fact” that the middle class is worse off than it was three decades ago, yet as University of Chicago economist Bruce Meyer and Notre Dame economist James Sullivan found in a recent paper, “median income and consumption both rose by more than 50 percent in real terms between 1980 and 2009.”

We are entitled to facts, yes. Just not theirs.

Hey, it’s not like they could sell their programs with the truth.

JAMES PETHOKOUKIS: Obama’s strange, revisionist history on ‘60 Minutes.’ “Actually, Obama did overpromise—and underdeliver—on dealing with the U.S. economy. Back in August 2009, the Obama White House put out its updated economic forecast. Now, this was after the $800 billion stimulus had passed and, technically, after the Great Recession had ended. Here is where the White House thought the economy was headed over the next few years.” Hint: Not where we wound up. “Talk about overpromising. According to the 2009 Obama forecast, 2011 was supposed to start a five-year mini-boom where GDP growth averaged 4 percent, taking the unemployment rate down below 6 percent by 2014. But few outside economists are so rosy today. The latest Wall Street Journal survey of economists predicts the unemployment rate will still be above 7 percent through 2014 with GDP growth averaging a subpar 2.5 percent. The White House explanation is that no one knew back in 2009 how bad the Great Recession really was. Indeed, instead of contracting by 2.8 percent in 2009, as indicated in the above chart, GDP actually contracted by 3.5 percent. Yet even after 2009, the White House continued to be strangely bullish.”

Obama lied, the economy died. Related: February 2009: Obama Vows To Cut The Deficit In Half By End Of His “First Term.”

WAR CRIMES: Arrest Bill Clinton! “I asked Amnesty spokeswoman Sharon Singh, whether Amnesty had ever made a similar request for foreign governments to detain Bill Clinton and Al Gore when they traveled abroad? She sent me a press release Amnesty had put out in 1999 calling for an investigation of alleged war crimes during the Kosovo war but could not provide a single example of any time Amnesty had demanded the arrest of Clinton or Gore.” Of course not. They’re Democrats. Conclusion: “If Amnesty wants to behave like a left-wing fringe group, it should expect to be treated as such.” I agree. They’ve long since squandered whatever moral capital they possessed.

THOMAS SOWELL and nerd chic.

WHAT’S WRONG WITH TENNESSEE SPORTS? We’re not paying coaches enough! “Can you beat a $5 million coach with a $2 million coach?”

MICKEY KAUS: Bill Keller’s Convenient Omission. “Bill Keller praises Newt Gingrich’s immigration stand but conveniently omits Gingrich’s support for the Krieble ‘red card’ plan–-essentially unlimited new immigration leading to dead-end second class citizenship. Worst of both worlds: it would further destroy wages of unskilled Americans while building a two-tier society–something that would undoubtedly, and rightly, offend Keller. It’s not a minor omission! Especially since Keller’s thesis is that Newt, alone among the GOPs, has this immigration thing all figured out.”