Archive for 2011

ATF GUN-SMUGGLING UPDATE: ATF Fast and Furious: New documents show Attorney General Eric Holder was briefed in July 2010. “New documents obtained by CBS News show Attorney General Eric Holder was sent briefings on the controversial Fast and Furious operation as far back as July 2010. That directly contradicts his statement to Congress.”

We need a special prosecutor. A good one. And did Holder violate 18 U.S.C. 1001?

Related: Robert Farago: Holder Lied, People Died. Quite a few of them, in fact.

BRUCE KESLER: WaPo Wacism Wapped. “The Washington Post is usually a little more careful than the New York Times about blatant bias, but its racism hit-job on Governor Perry sinks to a low, at least so far for this election cycle. Perry is supposed to be responsible for the old slur on a rock at a hunting camp rented by his father, which Perry says his father painted over as soon as they rented the camp.”

More here. Really, a poor effort even considering the source.

MICHAEL S. MALONE: Waiting For Princip.

It’s funny, because I got an email from a reader expressing a similar sentiment not long ago. Things do seem to be falling apart. Can the center hold? Turning and turning in the widening gyre, can the Predator see the controller? [Kinda overdoing it with that last, don’t you think? — ed. Yeah, probably, but I like Yeats. I don’t think he needs any updating. Good point.]

Meanwhile, I guess I’ll add Overconnected to my reading list.


After years of dithering and bowing to protectionists, President Obama finally submitted three pending free-trade pacts with South Korea, Panama and Colombia to Congress for a vote. Let the U.S. economy recover.

The president’s decision marks the first bright economic move he has made to boost the nation’s ailing economy. Dropping tariffs, opening markets and equalizing investment terms are a proven way to boost economic growth. . . . The legislative process will begin next week, and both the White House and congressional leaders say the votes are there to pass it. But they always have been — the big change is the end of the president’s hesitancy to submit them and Big Labor’s campaign to block it.

Well, good.

PEE POWER: Urine-loving bug churns out space fuel. “Scientists on Sunday said they had gained insights into a remarkable bacterium that lives without oxygen and transforms ammonium, the ingredient of urine, into hydrazine, a rocket fuel.”

A WAKE-UP TWEET from Andrew Breitbart.

Plus, from Prof. Jacobson: “#OccupyWallStreet is organized agitprop designed to deflect attention from the Obama administration’s failings onto ‘Wall Street,’ although many of the participants don’t understand how they are being used. The Washington Post now is fully aboard Team Obama, doing its best to take down Rick Perry this week, next week someone else. AxelPlouffe messaging is all class warfare all the time, and will be for the next 13 months.”

They want to talk about anything except the economy, and how Obama’s regulatory overload and “stimulus” made it worse.

DON’T WORRY, THE WAY THE EUROZONE ECONOMY IS GOING YOU WON’T BE EMITTING MUCH CARBON ANYWAY: European backlash to geoengineering begins. But if you’re taking your cues from Greek Socialist members of parliament, you’re making economic catastrophe pretty near certain . . . .

And I think it’s funny that they regard public opinion on this subject as so important, when they ignored public opinion on the disastrous European financial experiment. I wish I thought this represented a learning process.

PROBLEMS WITH artificial hips. “A recent study in England found that all-metal hips were failing early at three times the rate of hips made from metal-and-plastic components, which can last 15 years or more. Most people recover well from a device replacement procedure, but specialists like Dr. Kwon are also seeing growing numbers of patients with complications.”