Archive for 2011

KEITH HENNESSEY: The President’s Trillion-Dollar Sacred Cow. “The President repeats that both parties must abandon their sacred cows in budget negotiations. Republicans, he argues, will have to agree to tax increases as part of a deficit reduction package. Republicans are being characterized as intransigent and extreme for refusing to do so. What, then, should we conclude about the President’s unwillingness to consider reductions to the trillion dollars of health spending increases enacted in last year’s health laws?”

BACHMANN OVERDRIVE: We’ll see this sort of headline used again and again, I suspect . . . .

UPDATE: Reader Gregory Odorizzi emails: “Bachmann overdrive? Yeah, and the media is trying to Turner against the other Republican candidates. They are trying to bring her Down, Down. And while they yell, Hey You, she’s Taking Care of Business.”

BYRON YORK: Fresh Doubt Cast On Obama’s Health Care Story. “During the 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama often discussed his mother’s struggle with cancer. Ann Dunham spent the months before her death in 1995, Obama said, fighting with insurance companies that sought to deny her the coverage she needed to pay for treatment. . . . It was a simple and powerful story, one Obama would tell many more times as president during the national health care debate. But now we’re learning the real story of Ann Dunham’s health coverage is not quite what her son made it out to be.”


House Democrats on Monday indicated strong opposition to a controversial bill to repeal federal lightbulb standards, which could lead to the defeat of the measure in an expected Tuesday vote.

The Better Use of Light Bulbs Act, H.R. 2417 would end federal bulb standards passed in 2007 that Republicans have since held up as a prime example of federal overreach. House Republicans brought up the bill under a suspension of the rules, which requires two-thirds of voting members to support it.

That means even though a majority might support it, it is unlikely to be approved Tuesday in light of Democratic opposition.

But while it’ll be fair to go after Dems who vote the wrong way in 2012, that doesn’t get Fred Upton off the hook. You passed this, you own it until it’s repealed. And I agree that Fred Upton should be stripped of his seniority by House Republicans as punishment.

Meanwhile, it’s not too late to stock up. . . . Yet.